Hi there, thanks so much for your submissions. Overall we're pretty interested in the style you've shown here. We like the fact that this design uses an abstract graphic that conveys a real feeling of modern speed, and yet maintains a hint of a bird's feathers. To give you an idea how we'd use your design, #83 would be applied to the web page, and #82 (due to the white background) and #86 (due to the large height) would be used in business cards and other printed materials.
There are a couple of issues that keep us from liking the graphic more. One is that the bottom left feels "cut off". The other is the overall square shape: We're trying to avoid "enclosing" our graphic in a boring container like a square or circle or anything else. We want the graphic to have no boundaries.
Perhaps the solution to both of these issues is as simple as removing the square and just leaving the feathers. That's one variation we'd like to see. But we'd also like to see what other creative solutions you can propose, because having that white (#83, #86) or blue (#82) background in the graphic gives a feeling of solidity.
Please keep trying new things while taking these points into consideration. We're really looking forward to seeing what else you can come up with. Thank you!
Thanks for the variations. We're currently evaluating many of the logos in the contest for compatibility with our website. Could you please submit #82, #100 and #101 on the same background as our site, and with the graphic logo on the left side of the text, so that the entire design is much wider than it is high? It needs to fit in the top left area of our homepage, on the same line as the navigation bar. (Also, out of curiosity, can we see #82 with the word "Falcon" in a bold face?) Thank you.
Thanks. Please send #193, #194, and #236 with the word "Falcon" in bold. Also please ensure that all the text is easily readable (not too thin) on our web page.
We would also like to see more variations on the #193/#194 design and #236 design. Please test each one on the web page to make sure it fits with the rest of the style used there. Thank you!
The end of the contest is nearing, and we've got some very good designs that are all possibilities for first place. We do like #261 and especially #260 quite a bit. But we know you've got more ideas. We would like to continue seeing you bring forth unique new logos that could potentially be the signature image of Falcon Graphics. Are you up to it?
Thanks for the updates. We're not so excited by the latest (#370, #371). We like the older logos, but would like to see new ideas, unrelated to your previous submissions.
Hi falcongraphics I don't have any new designs to submit at this stage of the contest. I am really happy with my designs (eg #260 #259). It has that abstract feel to it, but also conveys movement & speed, consistent with your business name & purpose. It is also a well-balanced and dynamic icon, which can be used separately from the text when needed.
OK Julian. We will be doing a lot of thinking and testing after the contest ends to rank entries accordingly. Yours are still some of our strongest entries, so please keep them up even if we don't put one in 1st place right now. Thanks for your hard work.