face symmetryLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / face symmetry
face symmetry has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 61 designs
from 10 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
We offer services of plastic surgery, cosmetic medicine and dermatology. we are also involved in the field of regenerative medicine
Color Preferences
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We want you to design 1 logo based on the idea of golden ratio but to be extended as a variation on two other site.
the sites are
1. facesymmetry
2. bodysymmetry
3. breastsymmetry
The fisrt logo we need is for facesymmerty
This means that all three should project the same idea and design pattern because they belong to the same brand but are adressed to different parts of the human body (face, body, breast).
The logo designs should project the beauty and symmetry of the ideal human face, body, breast based on golden ratio metrics.
The design of the logos should follow the golden ratio principles.
The GOLDEN RATIO must be projected on the logo and will be the logos will rank. Dont send logos without the Golden RATIO concept.
the sites are
1. facesymmetry
2. bodysymmetry
3. breastsymmetry
The fisrt logo we need is for facesymmerty
This means that all three should project the same idea and design pattern because they belong to the same brand but are adressed to different parts of the human body (face, body, breast).
The logo designs should project the beauty and symmetry of the ideal human face, body, breast based on golden ratio metrics.
The design of the logos should follow the golden ratio principles.
The GOLDEN RATIO must be projected on the logo and will be the logos will rank. Dont send logos without the Golden RATIO concept.
Style Inspiration