Entry #25 Good intention. Please try to put inside the square and original design with the "F" and "P". We like geometry, modern and not old fashion fonts. Try a different font for our names and try another colour instead of grey. We like your logos for GREENVIEW DEVELOPMENT (first one) and the one for SYNERGY (black backgorund with blue and green). Thanks.
Entry #32 Nice try! We like that you tried a twist with the F and P, but not quite sure we love it. We specialize in high end luxury buildings in Miami (luxury building, ocean, beach). We would like to see the design more elegant. Try another font. Maybe give us an option with white background. Thanks!
Entries #36 and #59 We like them each day more! Can you give us these two options with the initials in blue? Also add the word estates like you did in entry #59 Please try also with the font used in entry #22. Thanks!
hello Fabian & Peter i have been change the font and the color on #70 and #71 the diffrent from #70 and # 73 is the on #73 is little bit bigger then #70 thank you very much for your feedback this helping me alot
We like the size of the font used in entry #59. our names can be read easier. Please try to find the exact font used by entry #6 designed by Wookasheen. Once you find that font please send me again the version in blue and another one in green with the font size of entry #59. Thanks!
Entries #103 and #104 Thank you! Please send us those choices with the white backgorund. What other colours you feel will look good? Please surprise us also with another of your great designs! We extended the contest for one more week! Thanks.
Entry #131 Thanks for trying another design but we are not sure we like this one. I like a lot FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT (architect) and i love his font. Try a logo using his font to see how it looks if you want to give a try! Thanks.
hello Fabian & Peter i have been change the font on #134 in grey your name can't be read easier and i try to change with white color on #135 and black on #136. I do not have the same font with FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT, but this is the closest font that i have sorry for my bad english
Entries #147, 148,149 Thanks for trying another design, however we prefer the design to be more simple, elegant and classy. Look at the attachemnt and try something with a sqaure, the F and P. Thanks!
Entries #166, 168 and 169 Very nice but in your designs the leter P can be read easier than the F. Please try to have both leters F and P to be able to be read easier. Thanks!
Entry #173 We like this logo! Please give us a variation of this one: 1. Bigger logo and bigger font. 2. Thicker lines. 3. White background. Try also with colour. Thanks!
Entry #181 We like this one! Please remove the line on top of Fabian and Peter. Give us this option with black background, white background and variations with fonts in blue, green, white and black Good job! Thanks!
hello Fabian & Peter i have been change the color on entry #200 with white #206 and entry #201 with black #207 and light grey on #208 Thank you for your feed back Peter and Fabian
hello Fabian & Peter The entry on #206 is same thickness with entry #207, the width and height is same. I have been uploaded entry #322 the same size as entry on #194 Thank You
dear Fabian & peter I like the entry on #326 besides your intials of your name F P, the P Letter looks like a number 2 that mean the dynamic duo, and the distance between F and P more closer between Fabian and Peter sorry for my bad english thank you
Entry #326 thanks for your opinion. Please separate the F and the P just a little bit more because when the logo is small maybe the thin line will dissapear. Thanks!
Hi Indra, we are choosing you as the winner for our logo, congratulations! We need from you the following:
1. What is the name of the font that you use for Fabian & Peter? Our web designer needs to put the logo on the left and our names on the right.
2. If we put in first place of the tournament the logo with the white background (#206), are we getting only that logo as an attachement or we can get also the logo with the black backgorund (#207)?
3. We are deciding for #206 or #207 as 1st position of the tournament.
Thank You Fabian And Peter 1.I use Font GOUDY Old style Reguler on Fabian And Peter,but the letter is A custom. I will give you separate the logo only and the name,so you can easy put the logo on the left and your name on the right.The word Estates i use century ghotik font. I will give you the eps.file, The Adobe illustrator file,PDF file,Jpeg and PNG file for Presentation
2. You will getting both of the logo with white background and black back ground that is standard to make logo there.
3. If you have any trouble please email me on Indra.bahtera@gmail.com Thank You