Thanks for your work. We really like the energy in #70, unfortunately it recalls space more than art. Our website is a guide about art exhibitions, the logo has to talk about art and entertainment. But we are confident that you will find great shapes to say that !
Thanks for those new proposals. We're not keen on the shape #85. #84 is better, but not bold enough, and it should express contemporary art more (it's can be any shape, not necessarily a "e"). Plus the colours you used are to sad we think, we would like the logo to be fun.
We like the style of #90 : colours are great, shape is beautiful, the idea of many points of different colours is good. The problem is that the shape seems to mean something, but we don't really understand what. It is close to the shape of a brain, and doesn't recall contemporary art to us.
Thanks for those new propositions. We still prefer #90, the black drawing and the shape suit us better. Furthemore, the painting is too restrictive ; our site is about any kind of exhibition (sculpture, drawing, video...). Maybe, instead of a brain, could you draw an eye, with the colour points in the pupil (as in "we allow you to watch exhibitions happening right now in your city"), or maybe a stylised "e" (the "e" is not compulsory, but why not) either alone above the logo, or integrated in the word "exponaute" (with a big "e" at the beginnig or at the end, or both), or another shape with this soft style of yours in #90 (but that doesn't recall anythingin particular, say a distinctive shape) ? We hope your right brain will help you ;)