Delivering experts right to your doorstep
What We Do
We let media outlets (TV, newspaper, radio, online, etc) know about experts (professional speakers and consultants) who will be visiting their city and are available for interviews and appearances.
Color Preferences
Red, Blue, Orange No pastels, or softer color tones.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Our service lets media contacts know when experts will be visiting their city, and we want to convey the fact that our service brings experts right to the media contact, physically. We like the idea of an illustration as part of the logo, but are open to anything. Some ideas we've had include some kind of character making a delivery, a stork flying with a blanket full of experts, or a cartoon airplane or delivery truck with one more more experts in it. We're not stuck on any of those; they just illustrate the idea of bringing experts to the media contact, physically.