Hi. Can you remove the symbol directly beneath the word "Hills". I'd like to see if this makes the all three words easier to read. Thank you. Good work.
Still keep the other designs up there. Can you take ranking #2 and remove the asterisks on either side of "Hills". I am kinda liking the "ribbon" through the word "Experience". Thanks, KJ
Hi Vasilis, Your entry is still my favorite. I see some of the other entries appear larger. Is there anyway to take your exact same design and make the whole thing larger inside the box? Thank you!! KJ
Hi KJ, I'll send you a larger version but you must know that you can make the design larger or smaller anytime and print it anywhere you like without loosing quality:) Vasilis
Congratulations Vasilis. I have a client in LA named Vasili. He is Greek as well. Maybe that is no surprise. Can you send me your email address? Best, KJ KJ@KJMarmon.com