Please provide us with other alternatives based on entry #16; we really do like the look and feel of the logo, however one of our team was reminded on 'weddings' or a luxury 'event' company rather than recruitment. Maybe also try to emphasise the word "Hospitality" in a similar way as 'Executives' as we will be focussing strongly on both. We do like the colours that are used, but maybe you can use different shades of blue just for us to see some variety in the designs.
we like #62; but we would like to see some adjustments in the colour. For this design, did you use the same shades of blue as for #65? If not, please change the colour into this colours. But in case you did use the same, could you make the shades a little darker? Maybe also for the grey/ silver for the letter H, make it just 1 shade darker. As when we made a printout to see how it looks on paper, it was not that visible. Maybe also an idea to combine the colours used for #16 with the design/ font of #62.
referring to my message earlier, we did select you as winner for the logo contest, but we would still like to see the changes according to the feedback I gave few hours earlier. Looking forward hearing from you.