Dear Barubelajar, Thank you for your entries. Very creative how you incorporated the "e". We like #12 in part because we want to keep "Executive Environmental" the same size. From this concept could you enlarge the "e"? Maybe even exagerate the curve of the "e" to fill out more above Executive Environmental?
Thank you for the revisions, they look great! For entry #14 can you stretch "health & safety simplified" a little? I would like it to begin and end just inside the the words above (similiar to Entry #9). Also, maybe try the lettering in blue. I do like the color you have, I would just like to see if a different color would standout.
What if we closed off the "e"? in other words continue the line under the white buildings so the white buildings sit "inside". Also, I like how the trees are in the majority of your designs (small, big, medium).
thnakyou, for ur direction,, these are my revision, the mark on the right side, and i have been to closed the 'e' and give a litle windows for bulding,, let me know if somthink change:) bb
BB, Thanks for the revisions. I think your original "e" design is better (entry #14)! Can you put the original "e" design to the left of Executive Environmental? Also, what if the tail of the "e" swooped down and across the bottom of Health & Safety Simplified?