Hi Herdian, Did you try an apple stem on the top of the apple? My comments were for #84 (see above) not for the "apple". The red for the apple is great. But on #84, I wanted to see a darker gray and brighter red. Please make the changes to #82 as follows: the words below need to say "Peer-To-Peer Leader Group" and should be equal in width to the name of the company. Please make the gray that is used for the shadow beneath the apple and the words "Peer..." a little darker, more of a charcoal gray. Lastly, do you think you can darken the lower left side of the apple a little so that the apple is more three- dimensional... or perhaps, give it a little light spot in the upper right corner? After that is done, can you show it in black and white? This is still my favorite so I want to make sure that it meets all of my application needs. Thank you, David