Brendan .... entry #1 #2 #3 I like the creative overlay of the background globe image in the letter "e" ...but, I would like to see a smaller detailed globe and a more refined "e" styling with sophisticated (rich, expensive, lifestyle) colors, and a unique shape for the letter "e". Our primary focus is on LOTTO ... and we want to convey the fact that this is a WORLDLOTTO first with the secondary message being "e" and .com. I'm looking for something which represents many of the same logo concepts you have done from the first and second page of your portfolio.
#7 and #8 globe image has been used too often... so, not interested.
Thanks for being first to jump in ... much appreciated.
Brendan .... #26 I like the upbeat to this design .. and would like to see how we can incorporate a bit more sophistication? I would like to see some more creativity in the "e". How about having it touch or embed between the W and L. or inbetween in the forfront The .com needs to go somewhere else besides just at the botttom in plain text. (too generic) Maybe the "e" and the "com" can balance on each end. Maybe a vertical .com??? Maybe?
#30 Lets try to move the #18 lotto ball away from the "e" and possibly introduce some international monetary symbols inplace or on some of the balls??? Just a thought. Same comment on the .com .. too generic. I like the energy and would encourage bringing in some feeling of riches. We want out players to think about being a winner and being rich. Also consider how this will play out in black and white. Thanks
#26 and #30 ... I've had a few comments that the "e" should be touching or incorporated into the word WORLD ... not just floating. Just thoughts from your fans ....
#101 I like your changes with the currency... good idea. Thanks!
#99 and #92 I suggest that you put the little white star directly on the edge of the globe (Ref #85). It gives a visual separation and depth between the globe and L . The L has three dimensions, but the globe is flat. I don't want to make any changes as this is meant to be simple and sophisticated, but take a look at this if possible. Thanks