Hi, here's my proposal for your company. An evolving from an abstract to a concrete form of the "e" letter. I didn't put any colors yet at first to see if you are interested and secondly and more important to see if the logo is strong enough, and recognizable in monochrome.
I really like the concept of the "evolution of the "e". Could you carry the "evolution" process a little further throughout the e.
Also what about the idea of using your "evolution" abstract to concrete throughout the entire word evolve instead of just the e. starting with the el as abstract and becoming concrete by the last letters ve. It may not look good but i would love to see it.
We like what we see in the general design but it just struck us that the blue e is the same as the microsoft logo for internet explorer. Could we see a few color variations on 23,33 and 49.
Also would it be possible to create a finer pixilation, gradiation moving from abstract to solid. Also can you make the gradiation change move further through the e. It seems to get to a solid color before halfway through the e.
Actually it is the same font used as the internet explore font. But this font, helvetica neue it is called, is a standard in the industry, very famous and very classic. Which means that a lot of logos using this font. More color option coming soon... :)