EvokLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Evok

Evok has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 133 designs from 35 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
time to feel
What We Do
The brand is a movement/yoga/dance practice for people to come and move through various songs from all over the world (hip hop, African drums, lyrical, etc) to feel and move energies of grief, love, joy, pain, sorrow, anger etc through their bodies. My target auience is both male and female I I imagine people who do SoulCycle, The Class etc. People interested in evolving in their businesses and relationships and as a human in general
Color Preferences
Black background, white text (I'd like to see the "V" larger than the other letters in "eVok" and a "-" above the "o" to show how it is pronounced (it is pronounced from the word "evoke")

I see the logo most likely in a black circle, white text, maybe red text for the V (I would need to see options here)
Our Ideas & Additional Information
as mentioned in Color I see the logo in a BLACK Circle, white text most of the letters "eVok : time to feel" and would like to see an option with just the V in red. (see image attached for the V being different font style)

I would like to see a logo that shows how this brand is a brand to unite male and female therefore I see the black "circle" could be 2 side face profiles one facing left (Male) and one facing right (female)
If not that, perhaps other ideas of how to show the intention of the brand to unite men and women in movement again (think Tribal around a fire)

The use of FIRE in the logo, could also be very cool! Ive attached some images I love, Open to seeing that as well!
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