#24: for this and color variations of the same, if using cross iconography, let it be clearer and not compete with imposed colors/shapes riding over/through it.
#23: Interesting direction, with central cruciform motif and reinforcement of E's. Wonder if spacing/reveresed-out space is too tight when reduced in size.
Hi Aside from that the intention of the curl of #35 was also to show the 2 'e's of 'every' Anyway please let me know if yu need further changes or if you have some more thoughts so I can prepare them for you thanks Air
Could you replace my 2nd rank with this one? As other designers are complaining that my entries have this vignette effect.. So I simply removed the vignette effect.. thanks so much for understanding
Hi Im really sorry for the inconvenience.. A designer is asking me to withdrew my entries that have vignette which I didnt know if not allowed. So Im forced to withdraw those entries..I will be replacing them without the vignette effect.. So I hope you can still rank them accordingly as before.. thanks!
This one here was ranked as one of the top 5 in your list.. thanks
#132: Thanks for this. any way to tied this all (icon and name) into more cohesive shape (oval? rounded rectangle? etc.). Like dynamism of this but now lots of elements at play here.