Hello Dennis -- Contest will end today. We have our Top 5 and we will circulate them to our internal team today to get votes. You are in the top 5, please submit any final version you wish for us to consider. Thank you for all your hard work!
Dennis, Would you be able to put your ICON used in #281 with the same font style that is currently used in #295? I'm basically asking you to change the font to match the font in #281.
As the contest is now in judging mode and as you must be knowing that only first ranked designer can submit entries in this mode, if you want me to submit the variation of font, then you should shuffle the rankings a bit, so that i can submit the font variation you have asked for.
Dennis what is the difference between #320 and #321. Also if we select you (looks like we are), will you provide us with comps in various formats? For example with ICON on top and also with the vapor/flame in Orange/Blue, Blue/Gray and Green/Gray?
yes i will provide you with all the options what you want, just send a list what ever you want and i will send the final logos to you, no problem in that. I think #320 and #321 thats just a double post...the two are similar...