Hello I really like your design but I would like the feather at the top to be a towel like the other ones and the colours to be bright colours, like blues, pinks, yellows and purples, just bright colours as my towels are bright.
I really like the colours of the towels in #89 & #91 but I don't really like the colour of the font however I do like the colour of the font in #90 but I think its the same colour as pink in the towels in #89 and #91.
I really love #92 but I'm still not keen on too much pink. I think its the font colour is too pink. I would like my products to appeal to men as well as women so I don't want too much pink and I think your design is very sleek.
Ok I have narrowed it down to #96 & #98 but I'm still not sure about the two tones of different blue/green of the lettering. I love the colour of "Everlong" but not sure the other blue colour of "handmade" looks right with it.