Very very impressive logo design! I really like the combination of the 2 colors to form the tree of life with the spinal curves in the middle. I really like the format of Entry #2 for the purpose of media presentation, on paper, website brandname, etc. Entry#3 for a broader brandname purposes. However I am wondering if the fonts in entry#2 can be modified to a capitalized format, yet maintaining classy/modern sophisticated word styling. Great job!!!!
Hey blueberri, thank you for the updates, I am wondering if you can also try some different fonts? styles like Entry #5 and #6.. I kinda like that font style.
I really like the design of #17, I think it just needs a lil more tweak on the fonts, perhaps just a tiny tiny bit darker on that shade of green of "EVERGREEN" and a lil bit "fatter" on that text. That way the whole logo will look more "balanced" between the actual tree/spine and the logo name all together.
Fantastic design! Although the new design of the plant is just not hitting the vibe with me perfectly. However, is it possible that you use the fonts in entry #24 in entry#22 so I can see how those fonts match up?
And also perhaps tweak logo entry#3 to something similar in style like entry #25? I really like the concept of entry#25 but I would like to retain the tree from your original designs.
Excellent! now this is just very very minor, but can you shift the spinal curve just a tiny lil bit to the left so that the spacing between the left side and right side of the tree trunk looks a balanced? I am not sure if it makes sense, but it looks a lil bit off center when it comes to the monochrome design. But I think we are getting very very close to perfection here!
seems like we posted our last comment at the same time, now sure if you read the last one from me. I am wondering if you can position the spine curve a tad bit to the left so it looks more centered (just a lil tiny bit off, or maybe it's just my vision playing tricks on me?) Or perhaps make the tree trunk a tad bit thicker so on the brown color side of the trunk will show more continuity with the outline? We are very very close!