#11 and # 10, the word Biogen must be kept as one word as it is the company name. I think the design focus needs to be more on the 'It's time' as that should be the focus of the graphic..
#9 I like this but the 'It's Time' needs to have some more strength behind it.. they are saying to the staff 'Its Time to make a change! It's time to transferm into a better company! etc.
#7 Feedback from my colleagues also say this one is a strong contender however we do not like the eyeball. Can you provide a couple of options of this one showing the eyeball replaced with the world globe, also one as a clock face and one with just a plain 'O'.
Hi first off all i want to thank you for the comments, i just read those and i´m working in your suggestions, just to explain about the eyeball its a world eclipsed by the iris, but i´m gonna do the other ideas as soon as possible and post that.
i just uploaded many variations from your suggestions (maybe too much, excuse me for that), i hope with those designs, you can lead me to the what you are looking for.
the last one #44 was my original idea feel free to discard the ones that don´t fill your expectations.
Referring to #66 well done for getting this in at the last minute. The client's feedback on amendments is as follows:
Please increase the font size of IT’S TIME. Also, can we change the Biogen logo to 'biogen idec' and delete the 2012. Finally move the biogen idec logo to the bottom right of the graphic.
hi i posted the changes, please #68 #69 the differences are basically the lenght of the lines in BIOGEN IDEC logo, are these designs like you suggest to me? and please do you prefer to use the original Logo or it´s fine with the Font i used?,
Hi, i recently post many variations from your suggestions please, discard the ones you don´t like so it´s easier to make new changes in designs, if you had any other feedback please write me.
Please i have received a suggestion to reduce the size from the actual designs, in order to maintain some order in Logo tournament, if you felt it´s good enough one of the actual rezised designs rank them please.
Just to be clear you will receive the first place, i just have a few more updates.
I think I have the final changes, I am sorry my client is changing his mind, he likes #77 and #79.
1. Can you please use image #79 with the bigger sunrise - but put the biogen idec in the same position you have it for #77 (bottom right corner) and move 'It's Time..' to the top left corner and make it the same size as it is in #77.
hi there, i uploaded 2 version slightly diffrent one each other #81 and #82, i hope it´s what you requested, and don´t hesitate to give more suggestions in the actual designs.