hello, my first concept for you with a simple, strong and memorable 'ev' lettermark which is also a play on a tick in a circle =) this mark could easily be used in any format (web, print, signage etc) due to its simplicity and will also still be very strong and recognizable in black and white. any feedback would be great, thanks! bugy.
HI. I prefer the ones on white background as opposed to black or coloured background. The actual symbols don't really do it for me though. I like the concept and the font of the rest of it, just not the symbol
having watched the contest closely over the last couple of days i think maybe you are looking for something a bit more simple and less abstract that my first round of entries so i came up with this simple transmitting 'e' icon (which is obviously a representation of the 'virtual' aspect of the business.) with the 'beams' forming a subtle V for virtual. i also went with red because you seem pretty set on it but let me know if you want to see other colours. any other feedback would be great, thanks! bugy
and another concept, this might be a case of e going back to being overly abstract and conceptual but i personally think its a really strong idea and is not something people will forget in a hurry. its an 'e' with a pencil hidden in it and the bottom of the pencil also creates a V for virtual =) let me know if you want it to be more 'e' and less pencil. thanks