CTechLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / CTech
CTech has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 403 designs
from 47 different designers from around the world.
We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired.
Logo Design Brief
What We Do
We are seeking a logo for our program.
Use this nickname: CTech.
The Columbia Technology Founder's Track (nicknamed CTech) gives technical Columbia University students the tools to become world-class entrepreneurs. This is a selective, cross-disciplinary program open to rising second-year MBA students and SEAS graduate students who are dedicated to launching and growing a tech-enabled startup while at Columbia.
Founded by Dr. Song Li PhD ‘92, the Columbia Technology Founder's Track seeks to create the next generation of world-changing technical founders. Using specialized courses, mentorship, networking, and access to the NYC startup ecosystem, we are building a pipeline of extremely highly-qualified founders.
Columbia Business School’s Eugene M. Lang Entrepreneurship Center [The Lang Center] is at the heart of the entrepreneurial, innovation, & VC communities for both students & alumni.
The Lang Center offers Columbia Business School students and alumni access to mentorship, networking, programs, funding (eg, the Lang Fund), specialized courses, and seats in the Columbia Startup Lab to enable them to become successful founders, innovators, and investors.
We are sorry if some of you misunderstood and did not read the entire description of what we seek and ended up creating a logo for our Center.
Please note, if you already submitted something about the Lang Center itself, which is the producer of the CTech program, fear not.
We could potentially reach out to you if we like your Lang Center design or if we feel that you could finesse your Lang Center design to what we need. Anyway, we have a big anniversary coming up and may do another Logo Tournament for our Center for that.
Accordingly, feel free to submit a logo for what we actually asked for which is for the CTech program where the logo integrates the C for Columbia and possible the T for Tech.
Please ask for feedback if any of the above is not clear.
Use this nickname: CTech.
The Columbia Technology Founder's Track (nicknamed CTech) gives technical Columbia University students the tools to become world-class entrepreneurs. This is a selective, cross-disciplinary program open to rising second-year MBA students and SEAS graduate students who are dedicated to launching and growing a tech-enabled startup while at Columbia.
Founded by Dr. Song Li PhD ‘92, the Columbia Technology Founder's Track seeks to create the next generation of world-changing technical founders. Using specialized courses, mentorship, networking, and access to the NYC startup ecosystem, we are building a pipeline of extremely highly-qualified founders.
Columbia Business School’s Eugene M. Lang Entrepreneurship Center [The Lang Center] is at the heart of the entrepreneurial, innovation, & VC communities for both students & alumni.
The Lang Center offers Columbia Business School students and alumni access to mentorship, networking, programs, funding (eg, the Lang Fund), specialized courses, and seats in the Columbia Startup Lab to enable them to become successful founders, innovators, and investors.
We are sorry if some of you misunderstood and did not read the entire description of what we seek and ended up creating a logo for our Center.
Please note, if you already submitted something about the Lang Center itself, which is the producer of the CTech program, fear not.
We could potentially reach out to you if we like your Lang Center design or if we feel that you could finesse your Lang Center design to what we need. Anyway, we have a big anniversary coming up and may do another Logo Tournament for our Center for that.
Accordingly, feel free to submit a logo for what we actually asked for which is for the CTech program where the logo integrates the C for Columbia and possible the T for Tech.
Please ask for feedback if any of the above is not clear.
Color Preferences
Primary color would be one or 2 of the blues and, if needed, another color for accent. See PDF for which colors.
Primary color would be one or 2 of the blues and, if needed, another color for accent. See PDF for which colors.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We seek a logo where the logo can be separately identifiable as a visual graphic image, not including the text, so we can easily add CTech, the shortened version of the longer name of the program which is Columbia Technology Founder's Track to it when we use the more complete logo. You can add in the "CTech" in the design, but we prefer if its "removable" and we could use just the cool design part without the words for baseball caps, etc.
Ideas to try... Geometric C? Or a power button icon for the C? Perhaps a representation of an electrical plug for the E, but not both if it's too much.
UPDATE 12/7 morning
We would NOW like to see logos that incorporate CTech into the image. Whereas before we were hoping the icon could be self-standing with just the C or CT or some sort of image.
In other words, CTech should be legible in a design that would incorporate the colors as laid out below. Please avoid RED and Go with the blues, black, grey, and perhaps orange preferably.
We are trying to see which works better for us. Please don't delete designs you have submitted that are just the icons we sought earlier.
End UPDATE 12/7 morning.
UPDATE 12/7 afternoon:
For this next round, how about showing us how you can use all of CTech in the design, versus the existing submissions where
1) it is just the C, and then adding CTech, or Tech, or
2) the C and T and then adding "ech" or CTech.
End UPDATE 12/7 afternoon.
==>>PLEASE, no space between the C and the Tech. Ensure the "ech" in Tech is lower case and the C and the T are both uppercase letters.
Description of the program found here, which we now include in the description of the organization/program above is also found here.
Please do NOT pay attention to the colors nor the design of the website which is subject to change: https://www.ctechfounderstrack.com/.
The feel we seek is: Techy, Silicon Valley, Startup Lifestyle...
Compare with Brand logos we like, eg, Tesla, Apple, Square, AirBnB, Spotify
Logo will be used on backpacks, hats, t-shirts, websites, programming collateral.
We seek a logo where the logo can be separately identifiable as a visual graphic image, not including the text, so we can easily add CTech, the shortened version of the longer name of the program which is Columbia Technology Founder's Track to it when we use the more complete logo. You can add in the "CTech" in the design, but we prefer if its "removable" and we could use just the cool design part without the words for baseball caps, etc.
Ideas to try... Geometric C? Or a power button icon for the C? Perhaps a representation of an electrical plug for the E, but not both if it's too much.
UPDATE 12/7 morning
We would NOW like to see logos that incorporate CTech into the image. Whereas before we were hoping the icon could be self-standing with just the C or CT or some sort of image.
In other words, CTech should be legible in a design that would incorporate the colors as laid out below. Please avoid RED and Go with the blues, black, grey, and perhaps orange preferably.
We are trying to see which works better for us. Please don't delete designs you have submitted that are just the icons we sought earlier.
End UPDATE 12/7 morning.
UPDATE 12/7 afternoon:
For this next round, how about showing us how you can use all of CTech in the design, versus the existing submissions where
1) it is just the C, and then adding CTech, or Tech, or
2) the C and T and then adding "ech" or CTech.
End UPDATE 12/7 afternoon.
==>>PLEASE, no space between the C and the Tech. Ensure the "ech" in Tech is lower case and the C and the T are both uppercase letters.
Description of the program found here, which we now include in the description of the organization/program above is also found here.
Please do NOT pay attention to the colors nor the design of the website which is subject to change: https://www.ctechfounderstrack.com/.
The feel we seek is: Techy, Silicon Valley, Startup Lifestyle...
Compare with Brand logos we like, eg, Tesla, Apple, Square, AirBnB, Spotify
Logo will be used on backpacks, hats, t-shirts, websites, programming collateral.
Style Inspiration