nice design. I like entry#17 can you try some differnt color combinations for me? Add one with the E more of a pastel green and the word essence in burgandy then one with the E burgandy and the essence the pastel green. I lie alot though nice job
Thanks a lot for the ranking! Here is the first version with different colours. Let me know if the green is good, otherwise give me a link in wich I can see your favorite green please. Best regards. sergio
For Entry #65, can you simply change the tag line color to the maroon you have in the other samples.
Also, could you possibly increase the font size of the tag part just a little? If you think it won't look good, then i understand, but if not - having it slightly larger would be great. Also, if you need to use two lines for the tag, that seems like it would be fine as well.
I need to see a few more changes. My favorite is entry#65. Can you give me 1 with the e in burgandy and then give me 1 with a different green. Im looking for more of a pastel green Like a seafoam green. The one you r using is more vibrant im looking for a subdued green
Dear Contest Holder, this is the last version that you ask me, and now unfortunately I have to go out for a conference. But i'll return in 4/5 hours, and I will be at your disposal. Best regards. sergio
can you see the other designs on my account some of them are using the green i like the green in 5 th rank the word essence that is the green i wnt to see in the e with burgandy on the tag lne then the burgandy e and that green on the tag line also if i award you can we make some changew after also can you make letter head and business v cards
Dear Client, my english is not so good and there something that I didn't understand in your previous message, but I'll try some variation. Don't worry: I rest at your disposal even if you make me win, and I will be paid by the site only after that you will be satysfied and you'll press the "accept" button. About business card you have to give me the right measures in millimetres, also telling me if you want it vertical or horizontal. But to send this project I need your email address, because this site does not allow the upload of some files. Otherwise if you give me your address I'll prepare a compressed folder in which I save everything for you. My address is: and my name is: Sergio Omassi. I live in Italy close to Milan. Thanks a lot and remember to give me the address please.
This is with the E green like your rank #5, and the tagline burgundy. I think that this kind of green is not good for the tagline because off it's too light and the font is too thin. If you really want tagline green we have to make more thick the font. But now I make some variation that I suppose could be good.
my email address is i think you are going to b the winner just need to look at evrything and need to know that u can make the buines card and letter head and envelope