Plus: #17: The font matches our expectation of being comparable to classic cigarette brands. The crowned O could gain recognition value.
Minus:#17: The steam at the O does not fit into the word. The different lettersizes combined with the O-symbolic results in a distorted overall impress. #18: Due to the great difference in lettersize the KING will always be too big if we keep the ESMOKE readable. We do not like the style of the crown at all. #16: filled O is too much. #13/#14:
Thank you for adding new designs (#39 #40 #41 #42)
#39: the smoke in the O is too much. The N looks more like switched bull-horns. The crown in #41 #42 is not our taste. Too high and jagged. The underline in #42 might be a good idea, but is too thick in its way. #17 is still your best suggestion.