regarding #8: ahhhhh, first steps, i like the symbolism, the logo also looks like bar great design.....can you used some different color schemes as well.....
Thanks for the great feedback, always appreciated! Yes of course not a problem at all, let me try a few different colour schemes for you. Do you have any preferences??
regarding #14: love the color contrast....but instead of orange, can we try a red....and the "advisors llc" can it be a little darker?.......the fonts are great and the size works well....
regarding #15: instead of blue and grey, can we try a Green and Gold color with gold steps and everything else green.......or green steps and everything else college colors are green and gold and i am an active alumnist and maybe it would look good if i showed my school spirit.....just as an experiment....
regarding #16: great logo and symbolism again.....although, to be honest, i got lost looking for the "bar chart" and "steps" in the logo, i'm afraid the clients won't get it....but i still liked it....maybe with a contrasting color scheme?
regarding #14 sure thing let me try a red and make advisors llc darker!
regarding #15 that's not a problem at all, let me play around with some options for you.
regarding #16 I tried to portray the steps in the negative white space. Maybe bar chart was the wrong word and I should have used graph. But let me try some contrasting colours.
regarding #17: good, but i'll have to wait until i'm home to see it, on my laptop it doesn't look like red, and i don't know how to change colrs on my laptop :(
Hi there ... excellent stuff, thanks for the feedback! I also think the larger font works well ... Yes of course let me change it on #20 as well.
Yeah I thought the light spot would just make it pop a bit more without being to obtrusive. And to answer your question on the main home page, most designers will or rather should give you all versions of the logo ... So full logo, B&W version, 1 Colour version ... basically to cover everything.
Here is a version of the circular design ... I've increased the size of the advisors llc, and I've also given the icon a bit of a punch with some lightened effect.
Thanks for informing me in your unique manner ... but after researching "Columbia Sportswear" my design is different, represents bar charts, first steps etc which fits the clients brief.