#55 and #56 - Very clever! I don't think I would have though of that in a million years. Is the kerning on "eric kayne" even inside the box compared to the word "photography"? It's hard to tell on my end. Can you play around with different color combinations? On #55, what would it look like if "eric kayne" was white, the same color of the background?
#57 and #58 - The typeface is too playful for the brand.
#60 and #59 - Nice, but the typeface for the initials "EK" seem to say anything about the brand.
Feel free to bring more clever ideas like #55 and #56 to the competition!
Oops...sorry about the boo-boo...was in need of some sleep ;) Here is the correct spelling and some color variants for you... i'm keeping it in a two color version for cost efficiency, but, if you want i can always add more to it.
The others are very nice though. I'm still more drawn to the subway-themed #75 and #76. Can you send more examples of that? Maybe make the lines around the E K P letters thinner? How about thinking about those lines as subway lines?