Creating Opportunities
What We Do
Enlace Project is a non-profit organization that encourages economic development through grassroots projects that work with small businesses, cooperatives, and women's groups in the rural community of El Sauce, Nicaragua. We promote business consulting and training to improve skills that will support these local initiatives. The main objectives for our projects are sustainability and growth, which allows for greater financial independence and higher quality of life.
Color Preferences
we are open to different colors, but particularly blues and greens. We also like grey. We do not want too much green, or anything that is too environmentally focused (plants, trees). We are also interested in seeing a a logo on a blue background. we do not like red.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Enlace means "link" in spanish. Enlace Project strives to connect local community groups and businesses to economic opportunities around them through training, consulting, funding oportunities, etc. We also have student learning programs and volunteer groups visits Nicaragua, and we provide the "link" of cultural exchange the people of El Sauce and the US. We would like these ideas of "linkage" represented in our logo.