Hi, I like the Enfess lettering font on Entry # 59 FoodScape font and placement on entry #71 As per the color, please try a turquoise color instead.
Please note that the roof where the sign is going to be placed is in two seperate Triangular shapes. the "Enfess FoodScape" sign is going to be placed on the left triangular, and the Logo is going to be placed on the right triangular. the triangular on left is about 16' in lenght, 8' in height from the top of the point to the flat surface. The second triangular on the right measures about 11' in lenght and 6' in height from the top of the point to the flat surface. please note I do not want you to place your design in a triangular background, the information about the roof is for your ref only so that you can blend the name and the logo together using the information provided. first triangular on left will have the Enfess FoodScape sign, the second one will have the logo. Also, I would like the logo of the chef to be placed in a double circle Can you please update and send me an example. thanks
Hi, re #79. please note that I wanted the Enfess name in blue color. The blue tone you have used on the logo is too light, I would like a darker color. When you look at the Internet explorer's logo "e" that color is what I am looking for. Also, when I mentioned to you about the triangular roof, there are two seperate triangular's on the roof. Pls take a pensil and a blank piece of paper and follow the instructions below to come up with the actual shape of the roof. Draw in one triangular form, next to it draw in another triangular form. you will have two triangular forms one next to the other. on the first triangular form (left) there will be Enfess FoodScape placed on it, on the second triangular form there will be the Logo placed on it standing alone. in other words, the name of restaurant stands alone and the logo stands alone, but somehow have some connection and this might be a little challenging. the color you used is an aqua, I would like a darker color like turquoise. most designers have their own version of the turquoise color so I want you too look at the Internet Explorer's logo, "e" for ref of the color, it's the blue color I am trying to get, pls use your best judgement for the logo design. The Enfess should be in the blue color not red
hope this may be last change. keep #59 but foodscape lettering and style as in #76 and in blue letters. Also the chef picture in a round double blue frame please. thanks.