The globe pieces are interesting to us, but aside from entry #72, all of the globes show Africa, not Michigan. Could you please change that in entry # 75? Thanks!
We really like the design that ranked #5. Can you make it so that there's a little less white in the grid on the globe, make the swoosh a little bit more curved to show more of the state and can you stack the text the way that you did in design #101. Thanks!!
Got it - thanks! Can you add Mi before the abbreviation to change the EIBC to MiEIBC? Once you've done that can you also try one with the stack as it is and another with Michigan above the MiEIBC? These should be the last changes. Thank you for your patience!!
The Mi seems really squeezed. Can we try to get a bit more space between the letters though I agree with the direction of having Mi tighter than the spacing between the other letters?
I've been trying for three days to get one small edit that would take you all of about 5 minutes. Can you please get us to the final version that we're looking for? Thank you!!