Entry #3 - a stylish modern looking font, since your technology is futureistic. The blue fragments represent the protective coating and vise versa.
Entry #4 - the same as 3, but with different font.
Entry #5 - A little bit of color play with the place of the coating and the coated element.
Entry #6 - Endura is chromed, cool is blue due to the symbol of cold and cool. The red line around the "enduracool" is your coating, protecting what is under it.
First of all, thank you for providing many different options to look at!
We'd like to see #6 and #7 with a white background beyond the encircled area.
One of the employees liked the use of the shield, but not the location. Can you try integrating it more into the lettering itself just to see what that would do?
Also, we'd love to see some options with a more American feel than the futuristic looking Fast and Furious feel.
A typical american symbol - the supercharger - personally for me - the supercharger is a symbol of the American muscles. I hope that you understand what I am talking about.
We like the look of #45, but the lettering is hard to read with the streaking behind it. Can you clean that up some and try different ways of getting the lettering to pop.
Also, several of us liked how you put the supercharger on top of #28, but we don't coat superchargers, so it doesn't work for us. :)
We moved #43 and #44 to the not interested section because we did not like the location of the shield. We feel that it works better on either side of the logo.