#147 is lovely proportion. Only I've noticed (and am now bumping on--my term for focusing on because it feels a little off) is that the top of the skillet handle (the top right of the N in END) extends above the top of the D. I feel that the top of the skillet handle should be even with, or maybe a bit underneath the straight across level of the D (this would also make the skille handle just a bit shorter, which is fine.) Reference #143 for more even height top of skillet.
Aslo, the hole in the handle of the skillet might look better just a bit larger (reference #126 for larger hole is handle image.)
So, hopefully last changes, might you:
1. Shorten the top of the skillet handle in
#147 so it's even with the level of the D.
2. Slightly enlarge hole in skillet handle.
Thanks so much. Almost there (didn't I say that last time?).