I'm wondering what the Y would look like if you could extend the "arch" all the way to the baseline -- like a reverse of the the X with one of the descenders missing.
You're definitely have a good concept with #8 and #9. #8 is better in the two-tone scheme. But I wonder how #9 would look if the curve had some sort of color accents.
Is it correct that the background colors and the font treatment for the slogan are things that can be tweaked in the later stages of the contest? Or should I focus on those elements now?
The more I look at #8 the more I like it. I like the symmetry of the X and Y; plus, the X and Y have that semi "military"/masculine look with the gap in the stroke; and, its readable. Well done!
I'm still curious about a different color for the "curve" in #9.
Thanks for the new revisions. Could you please provide a black/red version on white of #8 too?
#91 is going in the right direction. Maybe make the triangles on the 'X' and the 'Y' black so that they are not part of the arch. The arch can be representative of two things: terrain and/or a curve from the Campbell Prediction System logo. I'm wondering if we can get the arch in to work in read while maintaining readability.
#92 is an interesting concept, but I don't think its worth pursuing. Thanks for trying a new idea though.
Hi Sebastian, Can we try some changes to #140? I like the long arch, but I'm afraid it detracts from the readability of EMXSYS. To promote the visibility of the X and Y letters, can try these ideas: - On the 'X' draw the right leg in black; maybe with a gap between the red and black. - On the 'Y' draw the vertical base in black; maybe with a gap between the red and black. Thank you, -- Bruce
Hi Sebastian, I like where you are going on #204 -- using the arrowheads from the Campbell Prediction System logo. Can you try applying the same black/red treatment from #204 to #202? Thanks, -- Bruce
Hi Sebastian, Just a little more feedback for you: Your font choice for these designs is my favorite, and it is one of the strongest attributes of the designs. On #203, can you please try to use a native unaltered 'X', and then base the end of the arch on the squared-off corner of the 'X'. On the 'Y' end, I think we need to keep the Y's left arm the same height as the right arm.