#1 We like the unique idea of your puzzle piece. We prefer no bolding on the EMP and do not like the "t" in the font, (hard to read). The last two logos are too busy. We like clean, sophisticated and fun.
We still like what you have done, however everything we are getting has people in it. We like your creativity and would love to see what you can come up with without people and with a little more elegance.
Thank you for giving it another go. I am going to continue to give you feedback until you say stop. :o) The reason I keep coming back to you is you have the most professional style. What I liked about the virtuoso logo was that it represent the world and excitement and that it was sophisticated in design with a touch of whimsy. The exclamation point with the spring it is too much whimsy, maybe if it were a little more elegant. The key is closer in terms of sophistication but the top does not have to look like a puzzle piece. I just liked the uniqueness of your puzzle idea in the first design. Let's try less tropical colors and more sophisticated colors. The swirl could be more of a world reference not just a swirl. I obviously am not exactly sure what I am looking for but I will know it when i see it.
Hello EmpPact, i appreciate your feedback and your kind remarks. I really don't mind doing revisions. Our goal here is to come up with the best logo for you.
Really like how you did the world with the key. I think I like the gold key but I do not love it with the grey world, too drab. Maybe try a turquoise or black world with the key and then, I like the lettering on the one ranked #1 and #17 better in black. This is a minor thing but maybe make the top of the key look a little cooler. Just thinking blown up it may not read as well.
Hi EmpPact, thanks for your valuable feedback. I made two key designs, first one in #58 and #63 and the second design on #63 #65 #66 #67. Let me know which one you prefer.
Okay! More feed back, I like the key better! Ranked it number one. Let's go back to the colors that you did for #48 but use the new key #58 and make the grey slightly darker. The black was too black. I like how you got darker as it when down on entry #64. The fade is cool. Maybe something like that. Also can we try it with the font from #44. While I am being crazy picky, on the new key drop the bottom ring, so there are just three like in #48 but leave them overlapped and the center circle. It is a little busy in there. Thanks!!!!!!!
One more thing. I tried to look at the logo bigger and when you blow it up you can see gaps in the circles at the top of the key. Can you close them so they are solid circles? I am just thinning from an embroidery standpoint that would be hard. ThAnK YoU!!!!!
Got it. Please see #95 and #96 for the changes. I've closed the gap on the rings of the key element and provided two options on the spacing of the letters.
One more request. Using the font in # 80 can you write it in all lowercase and can you write it so it looks like EmpPact with caps on the E and the P ? Lastly, can we try using #80, leave it just as it is but change the color on the font to be Black on the EMP and grey on the PACT. THANKS!!!!!
Thank you!!! My partner wanted to see it differently. Can we try one more thing???? #95 with a black background and white lettering logo the same? Just want to see how that looked. I love this!
You are welcome! I will also send you a version of the final logo for dark backgrounds during the turnover of the files. I will email it to you directly.
So happy with the color choices. The black and white is cool, the blue back ground is good too. Can you please send us each of those four you sent, individually and can you please send them in jpeg, vector and PNG That is how the web designer asked us to send it to him. Once we have that we will be happy to release funds! Great job!