I like your design element...it conveys the synergy of working together in a joyful way. I also like the boldness of the colors, and how you've combined them.
I like the idea of the circle in #8, as it seems to provide 'grounding' of the design element, but it's leaning towards becoming too busy. I prefer the bolder fonts in #7 because they have more presence and are stronger.
Not sure how this can happen with your elements, but would like to see them come together in a way that they could fill a 'square space' like entry #6, as that will work better in a social media space. Also looking for one or two colors.
Thank you for your additional entries - I appreciate all your work.
Of your different entries, the one I'm most intrigued by now is #35... I like your idea of the two figures connecting the way that you have portrayed them. From my perspective, you've done a great job of expressing the power of working together, and it has a nice energy to it. I like this direction better than your earlier entries.
Could you play with bringing the elements so that they become more compact, like your #24 & #31 designs? And switch to the blue/green colors that you've used in #37? I like #37 also, but a bit less because it makes me think more of an athletic reference (i.e. basketball).
Thank you for the new entries in blue and green. I like #46 for the same reasons I liked #35, but here's what I'd suggest: please remove the "swoosh" - the figures looked good without it. please take a look at the 1st and 2nd ranked designs, and try your design out (in the blue/green colors) with the words stacked on the bottom, and see if you can get the design element to work on top. If that doesn't work, perhaps you can play with moving the word 'empower to the top of the design? Maybe if you enlarge the figures and the word youth, there will be enough space to fit empower above...
Hi izmild, #51 has the color, presence, and compact aspects - that's great. What's missing is the idea that you had in entry #35 that brilliantly expressed connection between the two figures, using the stars between them.