I have a few others ideas for those still interested in competing:
One is from my sister, Joan: Two conceptual people in close proximity/working together or walking together or about to take a journey together (one has a suitcase?) and they are standing at teh base of a road. At the end of a road is a $ or other symbol of profitability or success. (If done correctly, it will not look hokey, but rather, savvy and professional. Any representation of this would be fine, meaning, the end result is two people connecting for the purpose of being successful in business.)
Another idea is to show an actual chain of connection between conceptual represenations of people, meaning, this person connects with another person who connects with a third OR possibly, the middle person connects the two other parties. Person 1 --> Person 2 --> Person 3 (or a representation that gets this point across.
I am not sure either will work or look classy and professional, but it may be worth a try.