We like the overall concept and color choices but we do have a few suggestions.
Can you try the icon with a square treatment? We are leaning towards a square icon as it seems to look better at very small sizes. We need the icon portion to look as good as possible as small as 16px by 16px
The word mark is a nice font but we would like to use it as a stand alone mark as well if possible so any unique treatment to the word mark would help.
I think this concept answers the requests that you had...the icon is a square...the text can stand alone with the little wave in the "o". I chose a dark gray background for the icon, because a lighter color looks bigger off of a dark back ground that it does if you reverse this...this will aid in the icon maintaining its recognizability even at 16x16. The "e" in the icon matches the one in the word mark thus marrying the two concepts. Thanks again, and thanks for the feedback...it helps greatly!
Similar to the prior concept, I think this concept answers the requests that you had...the icon is a square.... I again chose a dark gray background for the icon, because a lighter color looks bigger off of a dark back ground that it does if you reverse this...this will aid in the icon maintaining its recognizability even at 16x16. The "e" in the icon is one with the word mark but can be separated out to stand alone again marrying the two concepts. Thanks again!
For both #17 and #18 can you change the color scheme to a blue/green the black makes it look too corporate, we need it to look a little more fun/social network like similar to your #15 color scheme.
I like that the word mark is unique and not just a font. We don't love the design on the o but like that it matched the icon. Not quite sure what feedback to give on that but we like the concept.
We like the two words to seem seperate with different colors or like you have in #17 seperate them with a stylized letter.
We need to have the icon seperate from the word mark like #17 not like #18
I tried to incorporate the icon that you liked best with the font type that you liked...I changed the color on the font to make it more legible. I think this gives you two nice standalone elements. A word mark and an icon.
This one is a stronger icon....better at 16x16 and it matches the wordmark better....They are still strong standalone elements. They seem to profess professionalism without seeming "stuff" or industrial. I think this color scheme works well also.
We like #44 and #43 much better. We like the three waves in #43 more than the four in #44.
We also like the wave inside the words and the wave in the o much better in #44 but we like the two colors in the word mark on #43
We aren't completely sold on the colors but we like the two tone approach.
I have described a concept my partner suggested on the main message board, if you want to try something along those lines that would be great, he has a lot of influence on the decision. Thanks!
1.) Can you use the green from the middle wave on #42 as the outside wave on #47 and maybe on the word "emo" We like the green blue combo.
2.) Can you not fade to white on the word mark so much, a bit more subtle, we like the word mark to look more substantial.
3.) Can you make the wave in the o point to the right instead and rotate it so the wave is pointing to the side not the ground. Similar to the wave in the icon.
Not sure if we will like this but might be worth a look. We thought the yellow smile for the o was a good idea but a bit overwhelming with the yellow. Maybe if you used the blue smile from #48 as the o instead?
Added the green to the wave and "emo" that you requested...put less gradient on the word mark....this helps with clarity I believe. I also crafted a wave facing right and more upward like the icon as per your request...thanks again!
Added the green to the wave and "emo" that you requested...i took out the gradient in the text....this helps with clarity and is more printer/fax friendly should it need be.. I also crafted a wave facing right and more upward like the icon as per your request...thanks again!
The word mark has some real movement in this one. The smiley is floating on the wave of emotion (The illusion of a wave is created by a slight gradient on the word mark. It could also be construed that the smiley is jumping with emotion.
1.) Can you keep the wave like you original all three blue. 2.) We are torn between the bouncing smile and the wave for the o - Some people think it says Em Tide with the smile for the o - They don't realize it is an o - But we like it best from a design point of view 3.) Can you use the icon from #47 with the word mark from #62
That compilation would be our favorite followed by #59 (After the colors are changed back in the wave)
We still can't decide on colors in the word mark. All blue looks sharp but the two different colors helps seperate the Emo and Tide words and also ties the smile into the word Emo to help with that association.
Also again please use your design expertise on this... we were thinking maybe trying only the two biggest waves in the icon and enlarging the smile to fill the space where the third smaller wave was. We thought a bigger smile face in the icon might look nice (We aren't sure about such a big face or removing so much of the wave though!)
I combined #47 and #62 per your request...I changed the color in the word mark to match the logo...they did not match at all by just combining them I'm afraid....
We want to replace your smile face with a 3D emoticon. Our concept is to change the emoticon in the O for each holiday, event, etc. Similar to the way Google changes theirs on the home page.
With that said I wanted to make sure you would be ok with us adding a stock photo emoticon with yours for the final logo. We have mocked a few up in photoshop and they look great!
we would replace the entire O with the emoticon rotated a bit to the right and use the same in the icon. We would also use a variation of the emoticon in the 16X16 icon one without the squinty eyes so you can see it better.
This is the one we are thinking of using as the official logo emoticon. Please let us know your thoughts.
I have no problem with that whatsoever...I can Deliver the logo with no smiley if that would make it easier for you to add yours. My job is to get you what you want, and If this is what you need, than my job has been successful. The logo is yours by right, and you can do as you wish with absolutely no worries from me. I actually think the idea sounds pretty cool. I might use that as an idea for my local customers (Changing the logo like Google does.) Thats whats fun about the creative process....the disigner and the customer work together to meet the need. Sometimes it takes funny twists and thats just fine....
Thanks again for all the feedback, i hope I have done enough to win your business.