emono studiosLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / emono studios

emono studios has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 207 designs from 40 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

What We Do
emono studios is a full-service design studio in the gaming, advertising, and movie industry, with top-notch services in motion graphics, graphic design, web, game, and movie development.
Color Preferences
Any. Make me a beautiful simple, professional, memorable logo and the colors won't matter. I can always request a color change. If I had to choose at start, I'd go with cool colors like blue.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Be creative and come up with something original. We are start-up company with experience in several fields. However, we aren't happy with our current logos and are looking for a designer as well as a logo to fit those needs. So if your logo is awesome, you might even land a job.


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#14 - too bubbly so I had to cut you sorry
#8 - Too playful - check my playful | serious scale
#12 - Image seems poor quality and text needs to be aligned
#7 - I dont understand the fire emblem. I'd be interested again if you can explain it and try a cool color instead
#5 - I'm not a fan of the spiral. The text "emono" should be in a different font as well as the rest. Nice shadow though on the spiral

Now the hard stuff...

Everyone's entries are very "close" in my opinion. They are great but they need a little more and choosing a #1 will be, in my mind, the most difficult task. My advice to you is to read everything underneath this line, including comments for work you did not produce for hints to creating a better revision to be the clear cut winner.

#1 I like your symbol for e. The problem is, we don't want to be recognized for our "e" so much but rather our "emono" as the entire word. Also, I would chuck the sphere around the "e" and play with just the letters and see what you can come up with.

#2 - I like your font choices. Very smooth and professional. The symbol needs work. It looks like an e is eating that innocent line

#3 - This is one of my current favorites. However, it looks too "static". Try rotating the angle of that e cube so its more exciting? I am going to need to confer with a partner on it today or tomorrow so please stay tuned.

#4 - Symbol is cool - lose the box around it. font choice needs work.

#6 - Symbol is a lot better in this one. I like the rotated e. However, I get the "classic" feel with this logo and not so much the modernism and professionalism I get with new age logos. This is hard to describe and name specific changes but its still good. The fonts are good but could be improved on contrast.

#10 - #11 - Reminds me of a tennis company. Fonts are good though. Very Dynamic. I'd change the emblem though.

Thanks guys and this is off to a great start. Keep it up.

15 years ago
#18 and #19 - I like the strong, bold font you used as well as the simplicity of the designs. I still would like an emblem that would be "deattached" from the rest of the logo and can be used as a stamp etc. similar to that of the current #1. Great starting mock-ups though.

#20 #21 #22 #23 #24 Great Improvement from the previous version. Although the visual presence is there, I am unsure about the meanings of the logos. I am sure I can make up a meaning if I need to, but I want to hear from the designer on what it is supposed to reflect. Also, for future mocks, increase the contrast on emono to present a more bold solution. I like the one on blue for that reason.

#25 - I like how you are trying to showcase the e. However, we want to keep the logo as succinct as possible - meaning we don't want to break it up into syllables. Try getting rid of the box and playing with either the entire emono text as a symbol or make a complete unique symbol.

15 years ago
#35 - Great logo. I can really see the symbol working out - has direction and that glow is very unique (professional and attractive). I would like to see the studios separate from "emono" so that the words can have separate identities. Also, I am not such a fan of the two lines encasing the emonostudios. The font choice should be more similar to that of #18 or #24 with that new age techy feel. Great start nonetheless.

#33 - Good start. The symbol looks really interesting but I like everyone's elses symbols better. It's apparent you have the ability to make them, but if you try to be more creative you can create a better symbol. Right now, the symbol and the text are too disparate and work against each other. Good beginning nonetheless.

@tapelogo414 - Sorry, your new designs aren't good enough. They lose the professionalism that we are seeking to attain. I would revert back to your original concept and try to build a symbol from that as it was much better than your new concepts. I am confident you can get it done but you will really have to challenge yourself to beat this competition.
15 years ago
#36 - I like it - combining an interesting and futuristic font that is professional and attractive at the same time. I think this one has more potential so here are some changes: 1) try right aligning the studios and put it into a box like #18. 2) try it on white to see the contrast. 3) Try rotating the e-m-s (which is awesome by the way) so that the prongs face upward and are pointing towards the emono text. I think that could be a cool effect. 4) Can you smooth out the edges (make them rounded) so the symbol is more softer? I am worried the company emblem will look too rigid with this version. That is why #3 remains as #1 for now. Otherwise, your fonts plus your symbol would be winning.

Thanks guys and there's some tremendous work going on here!
15 years ago
Just some pointers guys:

#20 - use the same font as your other #22 (more personality) and make the color darker. Use the same fonts for studios and emono for that matter.

#42 - good start. I would like to see that with a more interesting font similar to that of the top 5. You might be very close to the top 3 if you change the font.

#39 - I don't understand the sphere. If you can manipulate the symbol so its more recognizable you will also move up the rankings

#43 - Playful logo. I want it more professional and sophisticated. Try making the colors more similar (you can use your alternate color scheme but just make the difference less noticable). The two arks need more practicality. Maybe make more of them into a kind of radial wave behind the emono? You have an interesting take on it and could also get you into the top 5 with a little more work.

Thanks guys and keep up the good work.
15 years ago
#53 - Excellent improvement. That little tick that you have there looks great. At first I had some hesitation but now I like it even more. To change this one, maybe take away the tick marks on the icon and keep it on the text. Also, show me it on black. It is absolutely crucial it works well on both colors. Thanks and keep up the great work.

#60 - I like it with the blue box around it but the problem is it is not flush in this one. Can you align it with the 0 as well as move the box and the text down 2-3 pixels from "emono". Also, if you can increase the padding around studios would provide more space. Also, about the symbol, what I meant was to take the exact same image (the same perspective) or in other words the exact same symbol in #60 and bring it to the left of emono and rotate it such that it looks like an arrow pointing towards emono. I'd like to see how that goes cause I think it will have a very interesting effect.

#61 - I have an issue with this one due to the glow on the S. I like how it generally appears but the E and M lose focus over the less important S. If the effect was reversed such that the E and M were glowing and the S was in black, I think it would be a sizable contender for #1. Also, please remove the gradient from the image. I would prefer it was just white so I can see the contrast as it were to be printed on white letter heads.
15 years ago
#66 - I like this new version. The symbol is very cool. I think you are very close to being first as well if you juts change your font to match one that is similar to #53 or #36. Also, change the studios font to be more like #19 . Also, provide more space between studios and emono; they are too close right now. I'd also like to see yours on black.

#64 - Ok that didn't quite work out as I intended, sorry. Let's try a new approach. How about you change your studios text to be more like #19, keep it in the blue box, and try redesigning the symbol to something flat and abstract like #53. I still like your symbol, but I want to see you compete in the same field as #53 and #66. I think this might create some favourable results.

#71 - Good start at this. Your logo is cool (the text effect is nice) except for the symbol. In order to compete with the top right now, you will have to come up with a better symbol. Explore your options with an e and an s and see what you come up with! I think you can jump considerably with that kind of change.

Thanks guys
15 years ago
Just some quick direction comments:

#3 - I returned to this one cause I think your iconography here is great. If you can just change your font to something more interesting, it could take top spot. I've discussed this one with some of my other partners and they like it too. However, we are discussing the connotations of it and it's meaning this evening.

#83 - I do like this logo and I think it is almost as far as it can go. I am worried about two things - 1) the commonality of the icon (it is similar to a rotated 8, similar to an infinity symbol) could mean the icon already exists somewhere out there. Thus, I would have to do proper due diligence with studios out there who might have either of those two kinds of logos. This is something I am not looking forward to. Nonetheless, I like the logo enough to put it in 2nd place. Play with some other icons as well to see if they go well with this new emono font (which is what I like the most).

#37 - I've returned to this one because I really like that font after seeing it again. It is a smooth, professional typeface that does the job very well. After examining the symbol again, I realized 3 new things that make this one more appealing: 1) there is a yin - yang effect going on signifying balance between the two sides, 2) the angle of the box is dynamic and plays with our company's vision, 3) the logo is in 3D - which is an industry we are heavily marketing towards. This would allow us to animate it for intro sequences etc.in a less boring way than simply extruding a 2D logo. Anyways, with that being said, it is not perfect. The studios font and spacing lacks in comparison to #19. I am not a fan of that divider line between the logo and the font as well. Separating the two seems like they are disparate and they shouldn't be. On white and black this logo works really well too.

Anyway, I will be discussing these options tonight. Until then, keep working at it! At this point, I am very happy with the choices and would love to work with some of our top designers on this logo later on down the road (without the competition).
15 years ago
Hey guys, the new designs are fantastic. From this point in, my feedback will take longer than normal because my partners will be checking in on it more frequently and we will be establishing our favourites and pointers each evening. If I had to choose, my top two would be #101 and #102. #101 - perhaps a different font for emono would be make it better - see #37 or #53 for excellent choices. #102 - perhaps more of an effect like a gradient or something more interesting on the symbol and the text to make them more unique would improve it. I really like both starting blocks and each have great potential (typeface and symbol).

Sorry I couldn't rank them now. I will do it tonight when I get some feedback from the stakeholders.
15 years ago
Hey everyone,

After checking it over with a couple partners, here are the overall feedback and pointers for improvement towards our general likes and dislikes:

1) #37 - We still very much like this logo. However, we would like to see if you can produce something more interesting. Perhaps closer to #87 or #102, which both have excellent iconography as well.

2) #53 - Everyone liked your font and your overall style. However, your icon did not achieve complete approval. Perhaps keep experimenting with a new style of icon but keep the font; I think it's very strong right now.

3) #102 - Your font and icon are great and are excellent starting choices. We would like you to take this concept further and see where it ends up. That's all the advice I can give for now! good luck!

4) #101 - your use of gradients is amazing. However, for this symbol, it does not have enough brand recognition and from a distance, it is hard to make out what it is. Perhaps play with the e and the s and apply your gradient skills to it.

#105 - Overall it's pretty good. Unfortunately, the iconography didn't come across as too strong.

#94 - We really enjoyed this symbol. I think if you applied your gradient skills to this symbol alone it would be a very interesting result.

#97 - One of the partners would like to see this symbol in all the same color. Generally we all disagreed that the symbol was not what we were going for (since it resembles Adidas too much). However, perhaps play with it a little more to create more unique brand recognition.

#93 - I really like this one but I'd rather the symbol was not part of the text. The gradient work on the pill is great.

I'll check in again tomorrow night with more feedback.

Thanks guys!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
hi there, jsut so you know you can give designers feedback individually by clicking the logos seen on this page. each designers page also contains the comments they have made when uploading which can be very important as they can help you to understand the ideas behind them.

if you are already aware of all this i apologize.
thanks, good luck with your contest,

ps. hope you like my deisgns! =)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
wow excellent feedback by the Emono....
15 years ago
Hi everyone, after much discussion with my partners, we have chosen to go with #37. It was a compromise on all of us as it represents our core vision: professional, simple, and represents new media. We are sorry that we could not pick more than one as each of us have had our favourites from the beginning (mine being more obvious than others). However, since this is not 1 person's decision, I have to apologize for those who I have invited as I might have provided feedback that did not coincide with the preferences of all of the key decision makers. Regardless, we wish you luck on your future endeavours and perhaps in the future we could work together on other projects.


Emono Studios
15 years ago
Logo Designer
congrats VR
15 years ago
Logo Designer
so fast i thought there's a few days....
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Nice one VR congratulations
15 years ago
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