What We Do
Emmersion provides premium online software to assess language proficiency in 9 languages all over the world. The software is engineered using sophisticated Artificial Intelligence to make it really fast and accurate.
Emmersion's primary Target Customers are Contact BPO and Multinational corporations that require highly proficient English speaking employees. The software helps these organizations assess peoples language abilities.
Color Preferences
We have specific colors that will be attached to the document.
Here are the hexidecimal colors for your reference. Blue #176CE4, Purple #29074A, Orange #FA7D00, Yellow #FDB217
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Please see attached image for logo and color reference. We spent a lot of time arriving at those logos for specific reasons that are described in the reference.
Emmersion is a play on the word Immersion unfortunately some people call us Emmerson (without the soft zh sound that "sio" makes.) We think a mark above the first e Emmersion will help solve that problem.
We really like logos that communicate a "connection" or "bridging the gap", or "coming together".
We are also a global company and are willing to consider logos that suggest a global metaphor.
We really really want the logo to include the 4 colors we have suggested.