Emerald Energy SolutionsLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Emerald Energy Solutions Emerald Energy Solutions has selected their winning logo design. For $500 they received 273 designs from 60 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client IIICummings United States Slogan Renewable Energy Solutions for Residential and Commercial Needs What We Do We sell and install green energy products for residential and commercial clients in hopes of reducing carbon emission footprints, saving our clients money, and increasing property value. Industry Technology Color Preferences obviously we need a strong, attractive green, Earthy, naturaly tones will probably represent this business well. However, we do not want dull colors and tones Themes ModernSecureColorfulNecessity Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st chriss.fr 2nd asti 3rd ShyLion Withdrawn 4th chriss.fr 5th ricoandino Withdrawn 6th rosyadibad Withdrawn 7th moi Withdrawn 8th bluejet Withdrawn 9th chriss.fr Withdrawn 10th subzero Prefers others. wookasheen Prefers others. ricoandino Prefers others. wookasheen Prefers others. DesignLab Prefers others. DesignLab Prefers others. ricoandino Prefers others. ricoandino Prefers others. ricoandino Prefers others. ricoandino Prefers others. ricoandino Prefers others. ricoandino Prefers others. ricoandino Prefers others. Tinderbox Prefers others. wookasheen Prefers others. Su Prefers others. Su Prefers others. Su Prefers others. Su Prefers others. Su Prefers others. woofdaddy Prefers others. woofdaddy Prefers others. woofdaddy Prefers others. sista Prefers others. logo1 Prefers others. logo1 Prefers others. logo1 Prefers others. guavareal Prefers others. Jasi Prefers others. Jasi Prefers others. Jasi Prefers others. degree celsius Prefers others. degree celsius Withdrawn Prefers others. de.sign Withdrawn Prefers others. GraySource Withdrawn Prefers others. ShyLion Withdrawn Prefers others. ShyLion Withdrawn Prefers others. GraySource Withdrawn Prefers others. mizan Withdrawn Prefers others. Arthurvan Withdrawn Prefers others. Arthurvan Withdrawn Prefers others. GraySource Withdrawn Prefers others. Arthurvan Withdrawn Prefers others. ricoandino Withdrawn Prefers others. ricoandino Withdrawn Prefers others. ricoandino Withdrawn Prefers others. moi Withdrawn Prefers others. de.sign Withdrawn Prefers others. Mare Withdrawn Prefers others. Mare Withdrawn Prefers others. vuelta 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 5 Next > Discussion IIICummings Client notice the change in the slogan line of our profile. For those that we have liked so far, please resubmit your designs with the appropriate verbage 15 years ago Luke.Concept Logo Designer What do you prefer, sun light or bulb light?thanks. 15 years ago IIICummings Client we are looking for a cross between #127 and #98 15 years ago IIICummings Client we extended the contest due to the fact that all three partners would not be together again to look at them until Monday. Keep your ideas coming. 15 years ago subzero Logo Designer :( 15 years ago