Hi thank you for entering, i really like your last entry, can you try and make this more of an illustration and more of the red passion -ish colours? Thank you keep up the good work
Yes indeed, it does feel more sensual and powerful, I really like the apple heart you did, however i will prefer the girl clothed as the second one you designed. Can you please combine them with the hand lower so it feels that she holds the happiness and love of the world in her hands!
We are really loving this entry! #89 It's probably the one that works for us the most of your designs. There are just a few very small tweaks to make it perfect.
- switch the "apple heart" you have on this one to the original heart - can you make the face a little more less descriptive? we would be more comfortable with just a silhouette instead of a prescribed eyes/nose/lip features. It's ok even if you have to take off the eyelashes and makeup, we are ok with that.
For the last part, I need your advice. The logo (which we absolutely adore), takes up a LOT of "vertical space", which is fine for most marketing material. The only worry I have is on our website. We have a very limited amount of "horizontal space" for the logo and this one will definitely not fit. (check www.halalsihr.com to see the logo placeholder spot.) If we choose your logo, How do we reconcile? Maybe have to logo files? Looking for your advice. :)
p.s. If there is a way to make the face less descriptive but still keep some makeup, that is great, but if not, we are fine with taking it off to make the face less descriptive and more like a silhouette.
Congratulations! You are the winner. We looooove the logo!!!!
As discussed before, please send both vertical (#89) and horizontal version (#94) of the same logo so we can fit it on our website.
Just some minor notes: Right now both logos have slightly different faces and hair and hearts. Can you make them the exact same? Face - the same as logo #94, non descriptive face Hair - the same as logo #89 Heart - the heart without the apple stem, same as #94
Thanks! Looking forward to receiving the eps and jpg files. We are so happy with your work and our friends are also impressed by your work!! P.S.What are the CMYK colours (and/or web colours) you used, so we can match it with our marketing material. Thanks Anna. :)