ElmTree FundsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / ElmTree Funds

ElmTree Funds has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 122 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.




















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We want to incorporate Private Equity Real Estate into this logo. Also, the tree looks a little small compared to the font here. Maybe decrease the spacing between the 2 words. With regard to the tree itself...maybe replace the little "squiggle" in the middle of the tree to another leaf or something different.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem, sounds good.

See revised.

Let me know your thoughts!

Bill (winger)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I thought it might be worth exploring some different Typography treatments.

11 years ago
We like #87 - I think everything is ok but the "private equity real estate" - maybe just a slightly lighter grey and then I think we'd like to see the font be just a hair smaller... also maybe a little wider lettering but the font still spanning the same basic space of the logo

Is that possible?
11 years ago
We just want it to feel a little less "bold"
11 years ago
I think for size maybe reducing the text height by about 1/3 on the P.E. real estate starts to get that desired effect we are looking for
11 years ago
Maybe just a little shorter on height of #137 on PERE
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sound good. Here is the next lighter weight for the PERE tag line #107
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the same lighter weight for the PERE tag line, only a tad smaller, see #108
11 years ago
Logo Designer
The same smaller and lighter font letter spaced better, see #109
11 years ago
that's a good font size and color "Private Equity Real Estate", but can you just tweak the actual font style so it looks less Times New Roman?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
That font is called Trajan which everyone was using and you seemed to like. It is an old style serif font which is based on the traditional square Roman, that's why you may see a slight Times Roman feel. There is really nothing you can do with it. I'll try softing the serifs by hand, then l'll ook for another font... maybe Optima ?

It would help if you had a font you like.

Picking Typography is VERY subjective and could drive you crazy!

11 years ago
Logo Designer
See #110 - I've worked on serifs so it really looks nothing like Times if you place them side by side.

See #111 - This is the font called Optima
11 years ago
Logo Designer
See #112 This font is called ITC Novarese.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
And then there is #113 .... which is my favorite ... Copperplate 31AB :-)
11 years ago
sorry i don't mean to make this confusing. i was actually referring to the font style for "Private Equity Real Estate". can i see what it would look like with the font style Palatino Linotype?

but keep the same font style size and color for "ElmTree Funds" as entry #109. thanks!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Yikes, be careful. You should really use a san serif font at such a small size or you run the risk of loosing readability, ie. fine lines and serifs will disappear and not print well.

The current tag line in #109 is a san serif font called Gotham, It was used to Complement the main serif font Trajan and it works well

Now if we go with Palatino for the tag, that's another family of serif font (like Times) and it's never a good idea to mix two different families of Serif fonts ... that's a big no-no.

You're call I show it to you and you can choose :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is Palatino as the tag line, see #114
11 years ago
Can we see 109 and 114 with the tree a little more centered horizontally (it looks to me like it hovers slightly to the right but just make sure its centered) and then maybe just a little closer to the words vertically?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
The tree was centered, I see what you mean, so I adjusted visually just a tad, Sometimes "optically" the exact measurements can fool you, better to trust your eye. See the new ones #120 and #119
11 years ago
Great - can you add a few more leaves on #120 to give the tree a more "full" look?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
See #121 and #122 which has the tree just a tad closer.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
As for adding Leaves, I really would strongly suggest against doing that. Symbols and marks are best left as simple as possible, and this tree is already very complicated and has a tons of leaves. Any more leaves and it will look cluttered. I took extreme care when I re-drew your logo from scratch to only keep the exact number of leaves needed to achieve the desired effect and keep only the "essence" of your previous tree. Adding leaves will not make it look rounder, I don't want you to make a mistake, I've been doing this stuff for over 30 years so I know what I am talking about ... remember simplicity is elegance.

Let me know your thoughts
11 years ago
Hey Bill,

The files we downloaded on the website are in .jpg format. Would you be able to provide us a copy of the logo in photoshop format? Thanks.
11 years ago
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