Electric Vehicles ForumLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Electric Vehicles Forum

Electric Vehicles Forum has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 125 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.
























































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Logo Designer
Hi dear CH feedback is welcome, thanks.
13 years ago

I like this logo, because of the ones submitted you incorporated the plug and although it doesn't look like a car, it elicits that it's a car because of the wheels you added...nice. I like the color variation, as well. It's easy to read and provides good contrast when looking at it. I'm just thinking out loud here, but I wonder if a similar design incorporate a road beneath it and sky above it somehow...just a thought...have no idea how it could look.
13 years ago
Entry #5 is interesting. I'd imagine the circle elicits a green earth, right? I wonder what the plug would look like the opposite direction like an "E" is. It's definitely harder to read to me visually...not sure I have any other comments that could help. I'm not that creative and trying to put my thoughts into words on this type of thing can be hard.
13 years ago
Entry #4: Any possibility you could polish this up a bit? Meaning a little more gradient maybe, rather than solid colors...might make it look more professional. Not sure...
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes dear CH of course let me polish both designs after your feedback, submitting asap, thanks.
13 years ago
Entry #8 is much better...thanks! It was also the first one my wife chose when looking at all the ones up right now after only a second of looking at them all, so that's good news, as well. Looking forward to your additional revisions based on the comments above.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks to you and your wife, revisions are on the way, the icon has also the intention to include cars and motorcycles that's the reason i was not looking to look much like a car only, thanks for all your guide it has been very helpful i love my work when the client gets more involved and identified with my ideas.
13 years ago
Very nice #11 & #12. When I first looked at it I didn't realize what I was looking at exactly, but once I remember what we had discussed, it's obviously the road and sky driving off into the distance...nice work. I'm wondering if the road needs to be a darker tint of grey or maybe have a striped yellow line down the middle to make it look more like a road, or if this more abstract view is better...I'm not sure. I also wonder if you could do a Green to Blue fade on "Electric" a dark green to light green fade for "Vehicles" and a dark grey to a dark grey with the glare on "Forum" to mimic the tires, then the grass, and then the sky as you move up the symbol. I'm totally just throwing ideas out there, but I also wonder if the plug vehicle was tilted counter clockwise in the x-y plane and counterclockwise a bit in the z plane to make it appear to be driving on the road a bit more. I'm just trying to help...I'll have my wife look at it and see what she says too before you make any revisions.
13 years ago
My wife agrees with the above. :)
13 years ago
Thanks again...it gets better every time. My wife and I decided that although the yellow line definitely makes it obvious that it's a road, it elicits that the vehicles are only on-road vehicles, which they are not. So, let's take the yellow line out, please. Then, we'd like to see the round symbol #17 with the text from the #1 design. Then, we lean towards the blue faded text at this point, but we're wondering what a the following would look like:

- Blue Fade Electric, Green Fade Vehicles, Same Grey Fade
- Green Fade Electric, Blue Fade Electric, Same Grey Fade
- Dark Solid Blue Electric, Lighter Solid Blue Vehicles, Solid Grey like in #1
- Lighter Solid Blue Electric, Dark Solid Blue Vehicles, Solid Grey like in #1

Overall, these are our favorites...just trying to make sure the color variations are perfect, as well. Thanks,

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Perfect Chris i will submit all variations in a while thanks.

best regards
13 years ago
Hey Rick,

Can you do the web address www.ElectricVehiclesForum.com as we discussed above and below the logo in the best couple of ways you can see and submit them? I'm don't love any of the tag lines, unfortunately. I'll work on this this morning and let you know maybe some options.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Of course Chris let me submit it with the web address, sorry about the tag lines probably they don't cover the hole concept you are looking for, i remove them to clean a bit the page if you need them back let me know, thank you.

13 years ago
Hey Rick,

No worries about the taglines. I guess I'm struggling with the tagline blending in with it being black. Can we try some different colors for the website address? Maybe something closer to the color of the word forum. Also, my wife is now leaning towards the two ranked as #1 & #2, but I'm struggling with it because of the 3 wheels. But, to her, the symbol has some character. But, we both agree too, though, that the text colors and text font is a lot better in those two. Could you mimic those same colors and font instead of what we have for #1 now? I know you've done so much already Rick, so I'm leaning towards yours, and now that it's down to the wire, I've sent out an email to more than my wife to see what 5 other's views are on the top 3 logos. You've been great and please let me know your thoughts.

13 years ago
Hey Rick,

Also, I'm wondering what a 3 word tagline would look like, using Education - Innovation - Conservation separated by bullets not dashes. FYI, I'm trying to get the project extended a day, so we can get all this figured out together.

13 years ago
Rick, I fixed it...hope that clarifies it better. My apologies...

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Chris about the feedback let me see how i can work it out, it keeps appearing other designers work probably if you use the number given to the entries by the system would be better.
13 years ago
Thanks Rick. My initial thought is a lot better. I like the bolded blue lettering for electric better than the non-bolded ones. #59 has more of a fade out on the last part of the tagline making it different than the rest and too light to see. Can you make it like the rest of them are? Also, I'm wondering now if the majority of the vertical fades in the original logos were removed if that would make it stand out even more. I also wonder what the new logos would look like with a different color tag line...seems to blend in and be hard to read somewhat. Maybe halfway between the black on the tires and the gray you're using for the road possibly...just a thought. I like both the two wheel version and the 4 wheel version of the symbol...will have to wait to hear what the others say for sure on that one. On 41 and 36, can you also tone down the black url to a mix between the black in the tires and the road, like mentioned above? That's all I have at this point...nice work.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks a lot for your feedback very useful, great you noticed the 4 wheels aditions, i was wondering if you notice from the first time the letter "E" formed by the electrical plug in, i will submit more font variations with boldness feeling, also taking in consideration the tagline color variations.

13 years ago
Hey Rick,

Thanks again for all your hard work. We've decided that your overall design is what we want to convey to the consumer. We're really close to perfect, but each time it brings a few things to light that would make it potentially better. So, here goes:

1) We've decided that although the tagline conveys things that our site will contain/convey, it's not specific enough to be worth including. Instead, we'd like to incorporate the website url, but two things on that too that came to mind: maybe we ca do it like you did before but a mix between the black of the tires and the gray in the road instead of black. But, also, try it in the same color as "Electric". And, secondly, we're wondering if ".com" couldn't be added to the main text of the logo, implying the whole thing as the web address, which it is, and how that would look.
2) Secondly, we noticed that the spacing of the letters for "Vehicles Forum" is tighter or closer together than the other guys on the site. The additional few pixels of spacing between the letters really makes a difference when we shrunk it down, so spreading it apart a little bit would be perfect.
3) 2 wheels instead of 4 wheels is what we prefer...don't really think the 4 is needed and it could eliminate some part of the market potentially with the 4 being included, potentially.
4) #56 is what my wife really likes and I tend to like the one with the road, grass, and sky. So, we're wondering a couple of things: Could the grass directly behind the plug be made something different by chance either color wise, texture wise, or maybe a tree, or maybe something you come up with that makes the plug stand out even more against the background? Also, removing the background components and maybe adding a road(without center line) kind of like what the other guy did might look even better...not really sure.
5) Last, I think slightly less fade to the text would be better for some reason. If you notice, the fade in the other guys is more broadly distributed across the length of the word, where yours is more center focused and more of a contrast. I think less contrast and more broad would be perfect.
6) Also, just saw the last ones you posted, so I'll comment on those separately, but the first thing that pops up is that the fade is too prominent in the "Vehicles Forum" over the "es Fo" causing it to be hard to read...similar to what I stated in #5 above.

Overall, we're almost there, and you're going to get the business Rick...just trying to make it perfect. You probably hate me by now. :)

13 years ago
Rick, okay, here's where we're at:

1) Use the color for the tagline that you used in 69 and 70 for the url for 54 and 56, then just do the same thing but with the url in blue...then the rest is mentioned in the previous message in regards to adding .com to the existing text possibly.
2) I think 69 and 70 look a little too 70'ish where 54 and 56 look more trendy, which is definitely the way of the electric vehicles out there, so we lean towards 54 and 56's font more. But, it may be worth a shot to try the same font, but italicized, as well, because it definitely gives you that speedy feeling, as well...just a thought.

K, I'm going to leave you alone now and go to bed. I'll be up early tomorrow morning to evaluate everything for you first thing tomorrow, so we can lock it all down. Thanks again for all your time and effort. We really appreciate it...

13 years ago
Hey Rick,

I'm up and ready, so just hit me up when you're ready to review the last designs together.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Oh sorry Chris i had some difficulties that delayed me a bit but i am working on them right now, thanks for your patience.

13 years ago
No worries at all. Look forward to locking this down with you today and moving on to more things...

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you Chris, i just have more pending variations to submit i added 4 basic more related to the original concept, i am coming up with more variations for the icon background, the .com addition and the URL, if like you can always use different variations depending on the use with or without URL i can provide you of all of them.
13 years ago
k, sounds great Rick.
13 years ago
Hey Rick,

Okay, I've ranked them. Here's what we need to figure this out:

1) We'd like to see #86, #91, #87 with non-italicized letters.
2) We'd like to see #86, #91, #87 without the tagline with and without italicized letters
3) We'd like to see #86, #91, #87 without the .com and with the Words all the same size as they are now, then the same with all of them identical in size to the current electric with and without the tagline and with and without the url in place of the tagline.
4) Last, my wife seems to think the way you have the plug car's tail curved up into the road like in #91, that's the same way it should be in the circle full symbol...make sense?

I think that's it for now Rick.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Perfectly clear Chris let me submit those thanks a lot.

13 years ago

You da' man. We love them all...lol. Couple of questions:

1) Are 96 & 99 the same?
2) Are 97 & 100 the same?
3) Are 98 & 101 the same? They appear the same to me, but I just wanted to make sure. :)
4) The only thing I haven't seen done is slightly more separation between letters for the "ELECTRIC" and "VEHICLES". Based on what I can see, it appears that ELECTRIC might be a pixel or so more spacing than VEHICLES possibly, so if that's the case, I'd say go 3 pixels wider between letters for VEHICLES and 2 pixels wider for ELECTRIC. If they're currently spaced the same, I'd say let's try 2 pixels wider spacing between letters for both. Does that make sense? I think a little bit more separating between the letters make it a heck of a lot easier to read when it's shrunk down. Then, of course, just make the other words (ie Forum and tagline or url fit proportionally like they do now) I'd also say, just do this for 96, 97, 98, 102, 105, 108 for now, just so we can make sure it looks good on most of the possibilities. If it does, we'll rock them all out that way.

Other than that, I'd say we're good to go. Is it possible to get every version you have listed above, in case we make a decision later for a different purpose than the site to remove or add, or just switch it up down the road a bit? Awesome job working on this Rick...I feel like this logo is everything we wanted to be and more. And, fyi, I really appreciate the prompt and continuous level of communication...that's a pet peeve of mine, and you've upheld your end of the bargain for sure.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
mmmm that's pretty rare... i believe i submitted duplicated designs... sorry let me verify it... let me do the space between letters thing, no problem Chris, team work is the key to this result, i am glad you really liked the result, thanks.

13 years ago
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