Electric Vehicles ForumLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Electric Vehicles Forum

Electric Vehicles Forum has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 125 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Here's my first design integrating "green", energy and vehicles,
any feedback is welcome, thanks!


(This comment references Entry #1)
14 years ago
Hey LC,

Thanks for participating. In comparison to the other two logos submitted, the reason I ranked yours 3rd is it's a little too simplistic, two colors, and although the light bulb involves electricity, I'd rather see a plug like the #1 logo submitted. I'm not sure what the design on the bulb is either, and maybe some color variation in the text would be nice too, providing some contrast. Hope that helps...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback!!
here's a completely different design, with a plug integrated to the wheel, and an option with a leaf beneath that symbol,
again, any feedback is welcome,


(This comment references Entry #9)
14 years ago
I like entry #10 a lot better, for sure, just still prefer the designs of some of the others still over it, unfortunately. It's clean, but I'd my first impression is that a car when looked at from the side has two wheels, not one, so I suppose it's somewhat confusing to some degree. I'm not sure how that helps you...just trying to put it into words for you.
14 years ago
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