Thanks for the feedback. Could you check my last revisions and let me know which proposal is your favorite son I can adjust it to the new gray scale version? Thanks.
Just heard back from our executives, they like the direction you took your logo in. In order to cover all their bases they requested a more "black and grey" logo option to compare the two.
I think the color in the text is fine, but could you submit logo with the flame mostly, or completely black and grey (whatever you think would look best).
Let me know when you are ready and I'll put you back in position 1 so you can submit them. Thank you!
I am ready with the revisions. I prepared a new set of versions for you and the executives.
I want to stay away of using "the plug facing up in the white space of the flame" exactly like the 1st ranked designer because this concept belongs to him and I must respect it.
Here in LT the community is very strict regarding this matters so I decided to explore other creative options to incorpore the plug for you. Hope you like them!
We are a big fan of your logo, currently we are considering your design and one other artist's. Below is some feedback I've received from our executives:
-Customer service is worried the plug may make our product appear like a fire hazard. Can you submit this logo without it, and maybe some redesigns with the plug facing up in the white space of your flame, or something like that? (more part of the flame than connecting to it)
-We'd like our slogan changed to "Everyday Low Prices. Free Shipping"
Great job! We ranked the other artist first so we can get some new submissions from them. Let me know when you have some new submissions and I'll put you back so you can submit them as well.
Thank you for your patience, it is taking us a while to pick a winner due to the need for internal review. We should be able to pick our winner by the end of the week, Monday at the latest if we need an extension
I just met with our executives to get a better idea of what they are looking for. We are a huge fan of your modern flame design in this submission (as well as submission #149) and would love to see more.
(Also, I just posted a general comment saying no red and orange color schemes. Ignore that in regards to this submission's flame design, I like the red center portion)
Let me know if you have any questions or would like further feedback.
Comment Activity
Entries uploaded. Thanks!
Sorry for the delay. I just put you back in first so you can submit.
Thank you!
Thanks for the feedback. Could you check my last revisions and let me know which proposal is your favorite son I can adjust it to the new gray scale version? Thanks.
Just heard back from our executives, they like the direction you took your logo in. In order to cover all their bases they requested a more "black and grey" logo option to compare the two.
I think the color in the text is fine, but could you submit logo with the flame mostly, or completely black and grey (whatever you think would look best).
Let me know when you are ready and I'll put you back in position 1 so you can submit them. Thank you!
I completely understand, thank you for making me aware of that. Look forward to seeing your submissions!
I am ready with the revisions. I prepared a new set of versions for you and the executives.
I want to stay away of using "the plug facing up in the white space of the flame" exactly like the 1st ranked designer because this concept belongs to him and I must respect it.
Here in LT the community is very strict regarding this matters so I decided to explore other creative options to incorpore the plug for you. Hope you like them!
We are a big fan of your logo, currently we are considering your design and one other artist's. Below is some feedback I've received from our executives:
-Customer service is worried the plug may make our product appear like a fire hazard. Can you submit this logo without it, and maybe some redesigns with the plug facing up in the white space of your flame, or something like that? (more part of the flame than connecting to it)
-We'd like our slogan changed to "Everyday Low Prices. Free Shipping"
Great job! We ranked the other artist first so we can get some new submissions from them. Let me know when you have some new submissions and I'll put you back so you can submit them as well.
Thank you for your patience, it is taking us a while to pick a winner due to the need for internal review. We should be able to pick our winner by the end of the week, Monday at the latest if we need an extension
#297 #298
Please check entries:
#293 #294 #295 #296
Please check entry: #289
I am working on new flame versions. I will let you know when they are ready.
Please check entry: #290
Just arrived home to prepare the revisions requested. Thanks for your patience.
Thank you very much.
Please check entries:
#246 #247 #248 #249
I prepared a new set of stylized proposals to improve entry #175
Please check entries:
#243 #244 #245
If you would like to see any adjustment, I am happy to prepare it for you.
#172 #173 #174 #175 #176
Thanks for the valuable feedback.
If you are agree I will improve my proposal using electric elements to make the concept stronger.
Also I would like to know if we can work over black background to make the icon visually closer to the real product (flame over black background).
Let me know your thoughts please.
I just met with our executives to get a better idea of what they are looking for. We are a huge fan of your modern flame design in this submission (as well as submission #149) and would love to see more.
(Also, I just posted a general comment saying no red and orange color schemes. Ignore that in regards to this submission's flame design, I like the red center portion)
Let me know if you have any questions or would like further feedback.