Hi, thank you for the rank! Here's my another proposal. I hope I'm still on the right direction. If you have any thought, please do not hesitate to share to me. I'll do the best I could for you. In the meantime, I 'll try to work another concept.
Please see our updates to the contest brief and contest comments. Hopefully you find something that inspires you. Thanks for your entries! Hope to see more from you!!
Hi, thank you for updating the brief. I'm just about start to work einstein in full cartoon, but after I read your updated brief, I realized that I was in wrong direction. And here we go, my einstein head with dark comic style, but still looks like einstein (not just an old man with white hair and mustache). I hope you can still recognize it as einstein :) I also made the background with outer space look. I hope I'm on the right track now. Please let me hear what your thought about this. Any feedback would greatly appreciated.
Just trying to give the best I got. Here's the half body of mad einstein with marvel comic style. I hope I'm on the right track. Please let me know. Thank you so much!
Please see our recent update to the contest brief. Due to licensing issues we must change our name and character likeness.
Name of company is now "Merlin's Stars".
Picture: Make it look half Einstein/ half Merlin. Ie wild hair, but it can be longer. Maybe a go-tee. No tongue out. Tongue is definitely too Einsteinian. Let's add a wand or a fist or a staff!
All other style elements should remain the same.
We apologize for the inconvience. We weren't aware of this licensing issue perviously. We like your designs and would like to see more from you with the changes above.
A couple of pointers... can you make Merlin a bit bigger, maybe by cutting him off mid torso instead of at the waist. Also, add some compassion to his eyes. He looks a bit too dark :) We need to balance it out a bit. We want to evoke wisdom, knowledge and intellect. He has the secrets to the universe.
And the typeface needs to be more professional as this is for a financial services firm even though the logo is trying to be creative.
I like the detail in your merlin! However, your merlin is a little too up and down. We want some "movement". A cross movement of the wand, an open hand. The "orb" is very nice, but it will be too difficult to translate in all mediums. Also merlins face, robes and staff look more like a biblical "moses" than medieval "merlin". How can you find the difference in period?
Hi! I'm back again! Thank you so much for the directions! Here the revised version from the earlier feedback. I've changed the eye of merlin so it's not too dark anymore. I'll be right back with the movement pose of the merlin. About the robes, I try another variation. I agree with you that the merlin looks to biblical moses. Maybe it's because I'm using gandalf as my reference.
Hi, here we go the new version of the merlin! 1. with dynamic movement feel (not just up and down as the other entries) -a cross movement of the magic wand as requested 2. Bigger merlin than my earlier entries 3. added some compassion to his eyes, looks not too dark anymore 4. is it already look 'medieval merlin' enough?
I hope you like this version and it's good enough to be put as the 1st rank :D
As always, if you have any suggestion, please do not hesitate to ask. I'm doing the best I could for you :)
Hi, Thank you so much for updating the rank! After I read your updated brief, I decided to make a new merlin character for you with different approach / style, and here it is! I also added moving lines to make the merlin has the movement feel. To be honest, this is my favourite merlin version that I've made for you. What about you? Well, I hope I'm on the right track. Please do not hesitate to share your thought. I'll be glad to hear your feedback.
New design is great! #156 is my favorite, although you're missing the "s" on the end of Stars and I think your font in the prior design #1213 looks more professional.
I'll be in touch with some more direct feedback from the owner shortly, in the meantime update the name and the font please.
BIG improvement!! You have the best "action" position of the bunch !! I think you can be in first, but you need to improve a couple of things.
1) First, you need to "age" your merlin thoughtfully (ie aging reflects character). Your merlin looks handsome young guy with wrinkles vs a "sage". Lol! This is a wise OLD man. Check out the face and and wrinkles of gandolph or merlin or einstein. Your merlin needs bushier eyebrows and mustache, more of a "hook" nose, and character lines more than just wrinkles anywhere. Think of an old tree with character!
By the way, I like the hair and beard of entry 158, but you need to make sure there is consistency in it. Ie wind comes from the right blows both the beard and the hair back to the left, etc. Can you make the hair, beard, fuller and with wind blowing back? Ie hair, beard, wand, fist and body are all part of the "movement" that you will create?
2) Can you make the wand look more like a "staff" than a "wand"? We don't want a magician. We want a wizard or sage. Something that comes from the woods.
3) Do you have any other ideas for containing merlin besides the "circle"?
4) Imagine this image is an AVATAR of merlin/ gandalf/ einstein for the next X man movies? What can you do to make him look like that? Do you have any other Avatar ideas?
Hi! I'm back again! First of all I'd like to thank you for extending the contest! I was working this new version based on your earlier feedback, and the time ticking so fast! I was worried that I didn't have a chance to submit it. So, thanks again! :)
Okay, let's back to the topic. Here we go, the 'old tree' version of merlin! Here are few points that I'd like to describe : 1.With the new face character as your direction : aged, sage, wise, intimidating, yet compassionate! I'm focusing at the expressions of his eyes, and added a compassion touch. Unlike my earlier entries that looks too dark (looks just like an angry merlin.. :D) 2. bushier eyebrows and mustache, more of a "hook" nose as requested. 3. has a more natural movement feel, with consistency of the wind blows along with the sunburst that comes out from his staff 4. Replacing the magic wand with wooden staff 5. without circle shape 6. Is it already looks like a merlin's avatar for the next X-Men movies?? Well, I hope so :)
Finally, after 4 versions of einstein characters and 4 versions of merlin with total 35 entries, I think this is the best version that I submitted for you. I hope you love it as I do!
I like your new entry! Nice improvements to the face. Very creative to make merlin flying. You definitely use that to create wind in the cape, hair and beard. Bravo!
Thanks! I'm glad that you like it, because I think this is the best version of the merlin that I've made for you! I hope the merlin's magic spell can make me be the winner of your contest! lol :D
Just let me know if you'd any changes. As I said, I'll do my best for you! :)