Really like the face Saunter, would love to see you mix it around a bit. Maybe the face a bit bigger? And the text in a different font. I am really liking when the text is in a semi-circle in some of the other designs, but really like your creative sketch.
Hi, I added # 39 & # 40. I hope you can see them now?! I sent message to Logo Tournament for a solution if you are not able to see it. I'm thinking # 40 may be what you had in mind? If you like the splash of color somewhere else, or different color, I can add changes. Thanks!
I resubmitted and there was a mix-up and I was told to resubmit the two circular designs with my sketch. NOW it will not let me resubmit. I apologize for this, it was beyond my control. If you'd like to see my two designs perhaps they will let me upload them at your request.