1) I prefer eHealth to ehealth 2) The apple is a bit too big (certainly too tall). Can you play with an outline that is perhaps thicker or more apparent? 3) The stalk for the apple looks strange... without channelling Apple too much, can you play with the apple? 4) Font for eHealth should be changed to something a bit more readable, eg the a in health is missing the bottom right tip and the t is too stylised. I'm happy with styles that play with the proportions or slant etc as long as all the components are still there. If you could use a font that we can buy (or is free) too that would be great. 5) The font for training is a bit courier and blocky. Can you switch it for something else if possible?
Great new designs. I think that the original is still closest to what we want but you're getting close now. Feedback:
#2 The font for the eHealth logo in #2 is perfect, the training one
Request 0 Can you do a combination for #2 and #23? It'd be pretty much on message. It'd need: 1) The eHealth from #2 2) The Training and apple from #23 3) Ideally, an 'improved' apple shape as mentioned in my previous feedback. More-apple shaped rather than the current almost heart-shape.
My partner is a definite fan of the apple with the heart monitor sign built in.
We've had to eliminate the heart monitor from #38 etc because it flatlines. People in the medical industry will spot that immediately. Can't easily eliminate the line afterwards either...