eForwarderNetwork.comLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / eForwarderNetwork.com
eForwarderNetwork.com has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 71 designs
from 11 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
"Moving Forward, Together" or "We are Family"
What We Do
We are a network of freight forwarders.
Color Preferences
Red, Black, Grey
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We want a logo with a circle, representing the globe. There should be two people on each side of the globe, one on a computer and one on the phone, showing that they are collaborating. There should be a plane, cargo ship, and truck in the image as well so it should be a fairly large image/logo.
eForwarderNetwork.com and the slogan, "Moving Forward, Together" should appear below it.
eForwarderNetwork.com and the slogan, "Moving Forward, Together" should appear below it.