#51 is really interesting. The green looks like a dragon and the blue+yellow looks like a person. Can you change it so it looks like a person running away from a dragon?
But your contest is already on judging phase which means only first ranked designer can submit more designs at this time. if you still want me to submit the revised version you can put me as the first ranked designer, this also happen to other designers if you want to submit more ideas at this judging phase.
#99 is the best so far, but i would like the text "EDUCATIONAL GAMING INNOVATIONS" to be skinnier or smaller font. Can you vertically center the text on #96? #98 with the dragon is interesting but doesn't look as good as i thought.
Thankyou, since this site only provide 1 (one) file uploader, i have sent the other font variations to your email. please free to ask if you need other file formats. Thankyou :)