Our client, EDR, has weeded out the logo choices to the final top 3. Your logo, #136 will probably end up being the winner, but they want to have you try a couple of things. Keep in mind that they really like your design. Can you try a couple of things for us? 1) Do a new version where the "E" is all medium to dark grey, but keep the white curved slice that breaks through it. 2) Do a new version where the "E" is all one piece, and is made a medium to dark grey. With no other changes. 3) Then, using this new version (2), edit it so that the red ellipse continues under the "E", but not under "PRO INSTALLERS" (the way it already is).
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Can we see these changes by tomorrow morning?
Yes. Thanks. I know it's not a good solution, and that's probably why you didn't try it, but our client wanted to see it. I'm a graphic designer, and I can visualize, but our clients are not designers and have to see things to visualize.
Thank you so much for your efforts. We'll be picking the winning logo today.