EddiKitLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / EddiKit

EddiKit has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 98 designs from 13 different designers from around the world.




























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Thank you for your submission!! We love the calligraphy-style font and the softer color palette is exactly where we'd like the brand to go. We also like how the softness and simplicity of the design. Overall we think #14 is the best of the submissions because of the way the envelope is incorporated into the mark. We'd be interested to see if you have any thoughts or iterations on the mark, in the end we'll want something distinct enough that can stand on its own and we're not sure that an envelope will be that mark for us. Thank you again!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thanks for the feedback. I'll play with it!
9 years ago
Thanks very much! We really like where these are headed, especially #30. We'd love to see iterations of the "K", overall we struggle with the straightness (or sharpness) of the "K" compared to the flowing script of the rest of the letters. Thanks again.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Update some variations on "K"
#35 #36 #39
9 years ago
Thanks very much, we're really like #36 with the extra attention to the "K". One point of feedback we've gotten so far is that we might be trending too far toward the feminine side with the font. Our brief mentions that our primary focus is the female audience but that we do target young, male professionals as well. Any thoughts on how to make this less feminine? Thank you!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Update #48
I think by taking out the tail on "E" and some curvy on the letters make more balance and less feminine.
Let me know what you think.
9 years ago
Great, thank you! We like the updates to #48 and agree it helps balance out the mark. We're leaning toward the paper airplane because it conveys action and is the right amount of playfulness we were looking for in the mark. If you have any other thoughts for how to style the paper airplane (e.g. shading, etc) we'd love to see. Otherwise we're very happy with #48.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Update #50 #51
Simple but still have a playful feels. Let me know what you think.
9 years ago
Thanks again! We really like #51, especially the new mark.

We're wondering what it would look like to use a much simpler font, would you be able to explore that for us? Something like minted.com, birchbox.com or bonobos.com. We realize this is a shift from the direction we've been going but we want to cover our bases and be able to evaluate the script after seeing the opposite spectrum. Thanks again!!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure. Will be working on it as soon as I get back to my desktop. Thanks for updating the rank.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
#62 #63 #64
Update with simpler fonts. Any other revisions you want to see, just let me know.
9 years ago
Thank you! We like #63 the most out of the set but still think the script is the right way for us to go. It was helpful to see the options though, thanks again.
9 years ago
Hi! As we enter this final round we were hoping you could share variations on the color palette. Could you show us #51 in blue, seafoam (color used for #12) and any other colors you think would be a good fit? Also curious to see what it looks like to invert the color so that "Kit" is colored and "Eddi" is the charcoal black instead. Thanks again!!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
#76 #77 #78 #79 #80
Updates with color variations and inverted. Let me know what you think.
9 years ago
Thank you! We're very happy with the revisions you've made and we're excited to move forward with next steps! We will take the evening to think over any final edits and send those back to you shortly. We think we are very close though and appreciate your dedication to this project. Thanks!
9 years ago
Hello! We have a few final requests that we hope you could test out before we select the final winner.

1) Could you work on a variation that has orange as the color for the "Eddi" and plane? We really like the orange in this color palette (http://www.colourlovers.com/palette/1260202/Wonder_Womens_Bra), a soft tangerine.

2) Could you work on a variation that incorporates our tagline "Never miss a special moment"? We're interested in how you would place the tagline and what secondary font you'd pair with the logo. The feedback we've gotten is that the mark and font are strong but that incorporating the tagline will help complete the logo.

Thank you again!!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
#97 and #98 with updated color and tagline. Which one do you prefer?
9 years ago
Thank you!!! We really like #97 and we'd like to pick this as the winner. One last request, could you please put a trademark symbol, ™ , in the lower right corner ("TM"). It can be in the black color, just to the right of the "K". We'll select that one as the winner and then be set. Thanks again, we're so pleased with your work and excited about this new mark.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Glad you like it, thanks!
About your request, I'm not sure that's allowed based on this policy: https://logotournament.com/help/client/134
but I've contacted admin and waiting for the answer.
9 years ago
Not a problem! We can go ahead and mark that as the winner, we weren't aware of that policy but thanks for pointing it out. We can take care of that in the future on our own. Thank you again for all your hard work on this.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you! I have uploaded the final files. Please review and approves the files.
And if you have anything else, just let me know.
9 years ago
Wonderful, thank you! Would you mind including the final .AI or .PSD files for the photo in the final package? Thanks!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, will send it trough email.
9 years ago
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