We like much more your logos with those new colors. We also would like to see some changes in the typography: Could you remove the bold in the text to make it more readable and maybe the gradient too?
Sorry, we didn't explain ourselves well. We meant if it would be possible to give relief to the content of the image in order to apply some perspective to it.
The new icon is awesome! Even though we would like to test one more thing. It would be possible to make the content of the image go outside the border of the circumference?
Hi Ruri, Don't worry about any delay. We are so happy with your work. We like the last proposal but the tip of the arrow is blurred and we would like to compare it with a well defined one.
Hi Ruri, I had a last minute trip and I've been disconnected during the weekend, sorry.
We've been checking your latest designs and we think that the arrowhead losses itself in the white background.
We would like to change a little bit the point of view in order to have the same effect but with a well defined arrow. Could you remove the background and make the arrow orange?
We are very excited with the #138 but we don't like too much the effect of the shadows in the blue areas, especially when we shrink the logo. Could you remove the dark lines in the top of the user and in the top of the blue area of the arrow? Thank you Ruri