some variations with bigger logo #96 without tagline, which can also be used separately in the website #97 #98 over white background if you want to keep the website all white.
our favourite is #93! one last change would be great: could you make the blue background square tighter so that there is just a few millimeters of blue space between the E and the M? the rest of the box should be just white...
thanks for #102! it would be great if you could try a rectangle (for the blue background) as well...
for our homepage: we would need the same thing (like #93) in white because with bue background it looks a little bit strange on the website. or do you have any idea how the logo with blue backgorund could be implemented?
I think white (#103) will look very clean for your website. But if you want the blue background you can make the whole header of the website blue and place the logo with transparent background over it (for example look at the header of Logotournament)
Just wanted to let you know that I will have to be out of office for a couple days, and I will be back wednesday night. If you have any specific requests, I can help you duirng the next couple hours and then on wednesday. I hope this is not a problem.
yes, i also think that the logo with white background looks really nice on the website.. It would be great if you could send us -after our selection of the winner- both variation of the logo (with white and with blue background)? please try one last thing: the logo as a rectangle instead of of a square (quadrat)...